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   “Willow, how was school today?” Floris asks as she see's her daughter run inside from the bus stop.

“Good, mother!” Willow gives her mother a cheerful smile before placing her backpack onto the kitchen table,

“Did you learn anything?” Floris helps unpack her bag and place the books on the table. Willow thinks for a bit before shaking her head no,

“Nope!” The little kid giggles and glances up at her mother. “Well, alright. How about you go put your books and bag away, your father will be home soon from work!”

Willow gasps, “yay! Oki mum!” She swings the empty backpack over her shoulder and picks up her books before racing towards her room, her father always helped her with her homework, so she never had trouble understanding it and would finish it quickly, Willow knows when she finishes her homework she can go play outside. They trust her outside on her own, after all she is turning 10 soon, how much trouble could she possibly get into?

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