Chapter one: Hello, new friend

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Willow quickly runs back over, hearing her father open the door and step into the house, “Dad's home! Dad's home!” Voss glances over at his daughter run towards him,

“Hey sweetie!” he quickly picks her up, holding her at his hip, “how are you doing?” Willow pokes his nose before smiling.

“I'm doing good! How was work?” Voss’ smile falls, “Well, work is work princess..”

Willow never understood his job, but he always came home slightly bruised and covered in scratches, “Oki, wanna help me with my homework!”

She tries to make her father smile, she hates seeing him sad, “Sure!” He gives Willow a slight smile, as he walks towards her room carrying the little girl. He walks into her room and sets her down in the chair at the small desk.

“Dad, can I go into the Junkyard? I wanna get some parts from it! Maybe I'll find some cool stuff to bring home!” Voss falls quiet for a moment before quietly laughing,

“Well Willow, I think it'll be fun for you to go adventuring there, this neighborhood is safe so nothing is going to happen, soo sure! But, no telling your mom about this, okay? Keep it our little secret” He gently pokes her nose before pulling out her homework sheet.

“Yay! And don't worry, I won't tell!” Her father smiles,

“Alright sweetie, but do be careful, I don't want anything happening to you, be home in an hour or so.” Voss glances over the sheets as he begins explaining some of the questions, letting her figure out the answer herself. Soon after finishing the homework sheet, Willow’s mother steps into the room, “How are you two doing in here?” Willow smiles, glancing over at Floris.

“Good mum! We just finished!” Her mother laughs before crossing arms, “And did you answer the questions for her?” Voss laughs nervously, putting his hands up in front of him,

“No no! Don't worry, she answered them herself, I just explained it” Willow nods, agreeing with him. “Well, alright. Willow, you can go out and play if you'd like!”

Floris smiles, glancing over at her daughter who's already gone out of the room, “Oki, see you later mum!” Willow races to the front door and runs outside, shutting the door on her way out. She starts running towards the large junkyard, knowing exactly where it is, she's been dying to go look in there, surprisingly they never lock the gate, letting people go in and out of it, though nobody has gone to it in forever. Willow eventually runs over to the gates of the junkyard, slipping into the area, seeing wrecked cars, and parts of junk everywhere, she glances over at the large metal hill, after a moment of thinking Willow quickly climbs up it, sitting on top of one of the wrecked cars, glances down at the other parts down on the ground, she starts hearing clunking from the metal parts down behind her, curiosity glints in her eyes as she carefully climbs down the hill, seeing a large cave like hole in the hill with metal bits surrounding the entrance. Willow was always a curious kid, she steps into the large metal cave, seeing a metal rod tapping other metal parts in the cave, setting off the clunking she heard, she tilts her head before walking further into the cave, eventually seeing a large rusted robot, the rod she saw was its tail, it was trying to find it's way around, the robot feeling the walls with its four arms,

“H-Hello?” She speaks softly, hoping to get the robot's attention. The robot didn't seem to even notice her. “..I'm Willow, do you need help.?” Willow slowly walks over to the large rat robot, gripping onto one of its wrists, “I won't hurt you, I promise.”

The robot slams its tail onto the metal part, before quickly turning its head towards her, not able to see her. “I'll help you out of here, just be careful..”

She starts walking out of the metal cave, pulling the robot along, wanting to see it in the light. She steps out into the sun, pulling him out as she walks over to an open area in the junkyard. “What's your name? Why are you here.? Were you thrown away?”

She lets its wrist go, turning to look at him, seeing the torn flesh on its shoulders. “Are you able to hear me Mr. Robot?” She pokes it as the robot jumps slightly, looking around. “I don't think you can. It doesn't look like you can see either...and you haven't spoke..”

She mumbles, not knowing what to do. “Well, since you can't talk, I shall name you..” She looks at the rat, trying to think of a name before smiling, “Junkrat! No.” She falls silent for a moment, “Junkyard!”

She nods, approving of the name. “I wonder how long you've been here, you made that cave, and you look rusty, and who made you? I have so many questions! Though, you can't really..hear me. But we'll still be best friends! I can't bring you home, mom will have a fit, she doesn't like rats..”

She pokes Junkyard, “My dad might be able to fix you up! But, we still can't bring you inside..maybe I can visit you everyday! Would you like that?” She glances up at the large rat robot, hoping to get an answer. Junkyard just stands there, tapping his tail before softly petting her hair. “There you go! See, we'll be great friends!” She smiles, poking his muzzle. Junkyard didn't know what was going on, but he knows one thing, he just made a new friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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