Chapter 1:Death of a Robin.

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SUMMARY: So this takes place when Dick finds out that Jason has been killed. Dock has been woth the Titans for a year and they don't know his identity yet, but they'll find out. Also all four brothers pretty much grew up together.

It was an ordinary morning in Tirans Tower. Robin was watching the news, Cyborg was making breakfast with Beast Boy 'helping', Raven was reading amd Starfire was watching the boys in the kitchen.
The team had just finished breakfast when they heard it from the tv that Robin had left on when he had come to the kitchen.

"Tradgidy strikes in Gotham." The team noticed that their leader had perked up at the city name and was looking curiously into the next room from his seat in the kitchen.

"We have just received comformation that the Joker has done what many thought was imposible. Last night there was an explosion at an abandoned wing of Arkham Asylem and from the wreckage emerged Batman with the beaten, bloody and broken body of one of his Robins. It is known that the Joker had kidnapped the boy wonder a few weeks ago, but nobody thought that the Joker would go this far. Our deepest condolances to the Batfamily for the loss of their little bird."

At some point during this Robin had gone deathly pale and had dropped the cup of coffee in his hands letting it shatter to the floor. The team could clearly see the pure horror on their leaders face. Robin got up and bolted to his room.

The Titans couldn't understand why their Robin was so upset about the death of one of the guys who stole his name, they would have thought that he would be happy that he was dead.

~~~In Robins room. Robins p.o.v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

'I can't believe it my little brother is dead and I didn't even get to say goodbeye.' I thought as I sat on my bed and cried. I hadn't seen any of my brothers in almost a year, not since I had that fight with Bruce. I have spoken to them obviously to make sure they're alright but thats not the same as being there.

' Oh gosh I should have been there to protect him, I should have gone back the moment they told me that he had been kidnapped. Oh gosh I failed him, I failed as a big brother.'

That thought just made me cry harder.
I don't know how long I've been in here crying, the others have come up here trying to get me out of my room a few tomes but I can't I just can't bring myself to get up anymore.

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