Dear diary: 23rd September 2013

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Dear diary, oh what a day. I finally found the mysterious guy that I borrowed the pen from. A stone fell from my heart. Finally... His name is Scott. How did we met each other? Well, on the party. I went with Lydia. At the first I was looking for hom everywhere in the house, but he wasn't there. I was like " wake up Allison from that illusion. He won't show up" but, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and it was him! I couldn't beleive. Here is our conversation:

S: hey, allison right?

A: yes.. Really weird. How did you know my name?

S: well, it was tough to find it, but I did.

A: I looked for you everywhere. Where have you been for three weeks??

S: eh, I had some job so I needed to leave USA immediately. But, here I am.

A: oh, I see. What's your name?? I forgot to ask you...

S: Scott. We have the same history and PE class.

A: oh yeah..

S: do you wanna go somewhere? I hate this loud music.

A: ofcourse, me too.

-so we went to the park. It was dark, empty, cold. I was freezing. He gave me his leather jacket and he hugged me. We started to talk about stuff that is kind of weird to talk for..

S: I really like being honest with you.

A: I feel like I know you for years...

S: oh, you have something on your cheek.

A: what? I can't see.

S: wait, I'll take it off.

-he touched my cheek. That touch burned my body. I started feeling butterflies. I was staring at his eyes, he was staring at mine too. I kissed him slowly. He started to tangle his hands in my messy curly hair. I grabbed his neck, he pulled me closer. Everything became rougher. I never wantrd this moment to end. But it had to.

My forbidden love ( Scott and Allison )Where stories live. Discover now