[30] No Longer Needed

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Areum's POV-
I ended up going back to my old home-. . .  Old home?. . . Was the Wanna-One base my new home for the time?. . .  Even so. . .  It's not like I lived there on my- actually I did decide to live there by my own free will now that I think about it. . .  I guess now that I'm back with Seulgi. . . I'm not needed by them anymore?. . . I didn't want my guesses to come true. . ., but that's what ended up happening. . .

As the week continue to flow by, the two Parks and I slowly stopped talking and I stopped seeing them on the roof top.  Of course, there was the occasional asking of questions for assignments, but that was about it.  As for the rest of Wanna-One. . . I haven't seen or heard of them at all. . . Even though it's only been five days, today is Friday, that I haven't had a proper conversation or hang out with them. . . I realized that. . . My life was boring AF without them!  Everything became dull, and. . . I feel like I lost important people in my life. . .  I guess they really don't need me anymore. . .

My phone vibrated and I took it out of my jacket pocket to see who messaged me.  Mark Lee. . .  I decided to open it, and, low and behold, it was about my auditioning for SM.

Mark: Hey, when will you begin training with SM?

. . . Idk.  I haven't really decided yet. . . :Areum
When do you think I should join? :Areum

Mark: Hmm. . . Maybe this Saturday?
Mark: It's best to get used to it.
Mark: Plus, if ur a trainee before Halloween we can probably feature you in a NCT Dream or NCT 127 special!

Lol, wow okay :Areum
I'll think about, but I'll text you before tomorrow if I'll be going over there :Areum

Mark: Cool
Mark: How are you feeling btw?
Mark: We has to drop you off at your house
Mark: Luckily Seulgi Sunbae was home

Yeah, definitely :Areum
I didn't know she was coming back :P :Areum

Mark: Lol, okay
Mark: I gtg, practice is calling!

Kk :Areum
I guess I might see you tomorrow then! :Areum

Mark: Yep! :)
Mark:  Bbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeee

Don't break your keyboard Mark Lee :Areum
-_- :Areum
BYE!!!!~ :Areum

I chuckled at the boy's randomness, but the happiness I felt soon washed over.  Do I still have a use being an SM trainee?  I mean. . . I know what'll happen to me. . . Plus, SM might just use me as an advantage against Wanna-One. . . I sighed, "What should I do?," I mumbled under my breath.

As I continued my boring, uneventful walk to my house, I stopped by a café to get some Bubble Tea.  Kimmie Cakes is the go to place if you want good Bubble Tea!  I pondered on what I should get from the café since it's been a while since I've been there, and I decided to call Seulgi Unnie to tell her that I'd be stopping by the place.

- - -

"What to get. . .," I trailed off looking at the menu that hung above the cashiers' heads.  "Let's go with a classic," I said quietly to myself to avoid getting weird looks. . . but then again, I already get those :P. 

Finally, it was my turn to order!  "Hello, miss," the cashier greeted, "What would you like for today?"  I smiled back politely, "I'd like one large Taro Smoothie Bubble Tea please."  "Alrighty," the guy rung up the order, "Is that all for today?"  "Yep," I nodded, and the employee proceeded to create the bill.  "Okay," he finished, "That will be $2.75 (A/N Idk how much bubble tea would be in Korean money (won))"

- - -

I took a window seat near the back-ish end of the café, and went back to my last conversation about gangs with the Parks.

~FlashBack~ (Cue AfterSchool!)

"I don't know. . ."

"I mean. . .," I sighed, "No offense to you guys or anything. . .but my sister's alive now. . .and. . .well. . . Everything's a lot calmer in retrospect even though it's only been a few hours since I've woken up."  "Didn't you want more excitement though?," Jihoon questioned, "That's what you said before at the meeting we held about you."  "I guess this is too much then. . .," I mumbled quietly.

"So. . . What's gonna happen?," I changed topics.  "What do you mean?," Haknyeon asked.  "Seulgi's alive now so I obviously can't stay with you guys anymore," I explained.  "About that. . .," Woojin trailed off.  He glanced at Jihoon and the WinkBoi urged him to speak, "The thing is. . . Areum. . . We don't have any use for you anymore. . . Any use that will put you in total danger anyhow."

"Use?," I questioned, "What use was I used for other than bait for NCT?," I practically demanded an answer.  "You guys never told her?," DongHyun asked.  "Why would we ever ask her for her permission for that?!," Jihoon raised his tone.  "We specifically said that'd we'd go along with the plan if Areum was okay with it," DongHyun's eyes changed into a deadly gaze, "You agreed to ask her and you never did?!" 


I shouted at the top of my lungs, silencing the boys' anger.  They only exchanged glances until Haknyeon, bless the boy, decided to speak for them.  "Umm. . . We agreed that if you were alright with it. . . You'd act as our uhh. . .," he paused.   "I'd act as your what?," I asked gently to sooth the fear coming from the farm boy.  "You'd act as our- Wanna One's. . .," he swallowed nervously, "'Property.'"  I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms.  I wasn't completely angry. . .yet. . ., "Elaborate." 

"Hyung. . .," Haknyeon pouted to DongHyun, not wanting to say anything anymore.  "Why don't we let Jihoon and Woojin explain the rest?," he gestured to the two members of Wanna-One.  Jihoon licked his lips nervously, but eventually started, "Wanna-One would essentially be your care takers, but-. . . We could also do whatever we wanted to you. . . Be it hurting you, making you do things for our missions or. . .other things. . . You also had to do whatever we ordered you to do. . ."  "We didn't want to ask you because we knew you wouldn't like the idea so-"  "Shut up for a moment," I rolled my eyes cutting off Woojin, "I'm not exactly. . . 'Mad' . . . You say those things, yet you'd ask me to do most things, and you haven't done anything bad to me. . . Yet. . .,and on the contrary you've actually been quite sweet. . .," I saw them calm down visibly, "I'm more disappointed over the fact that I was considered property."  "Mian-"  "But I guess my opinion doesn't matter that much anymore. . ."

"What?," Hwal questioned, "But you never-"  "I'm no use to you guys anymore right?," I asked rhetorically, "So. . . That's all in the past now."  "You're just gonna accept the fact that we won't be with us anymore?," Woojin asked, a hint of sorrow laced in his voice.  "I'll see you guys at school," I shrugged, "It's probably for the best though.  You guys aren't liable for me, and my life is no longer in too much danger. . . I'm still prone to falling down stairs though," I gave a small grin of assurance to the senior president. 

"Areum. . .," DongHyun asked, "Are you really okay with this?"  "I'll be alright," I smiled lightly, "Besides, I've only known you guys for a little less than 2 months, and. . . Honestly. . . I didn't exactly. . . enjoy being with you. . . I'm not safe when I'm with you. . .

I didn't like ****** ** ****"

". . .," the boys couldn't say anything. 

". . . I'll be going to class now," I mumbled under my breath, and turned to rooftop door.

~Flash Back End~

I leaned back in my seat and let go of a deep sigh, "That's right. . .," I chuckled sadly:

I'm no longer needed. . .

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