ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) nANi?!

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I've always wanted to make a "book" (as if this can even conSIDER-) where I can just put all my miscellaneous thoughts:

Politics, emotions, or just random things for when I feel guilty for not posting

Maybe even art, since all four (you heard it here first folks) of my friends say I draw good

I don't wanna be one of those ppl that say they can't do anything then paint the fucking Mona Lisa... But I really think I need a confidence boost before doing a full piece of regular art, or fan art

 But I really think I need a confidence boost before doing a full piece of regular art, or fan art

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There's an example of how I draw- or more like several

(Don't mind the bad lighting, it was night and I only had a lamp on, or the line paper, since I was just practicing and not actually drawing a full sketch, and I reserve my sketch books ((aka trashcans)) for that)

Also, a lot of people are saying I write good, so I won't beat around the bush with this one, but I literally have no ideas and no time to write.

Someone currently requested mullete and like-


Or you can, I mean, I can't control you and it would be a reasonable complaint

(NOt ThAt ThEre wOuLd bE aNyOne tO cOmPlaiN)

*cough* sorry, I have that weird and depressing IFunny humor *cough*

Anyways as I was saying

I'm writing mullete, and sure I'm basically done with that one shot.... but I'm not creative at all for anything I might see for posting afterwards and I have a pet peeve with stealing other peoples ideas, which I'm trying to correlate to prompts if you haven't caught on-

So yeah

Think of this like a diary thingy, or maybe a thought book

Hehehehhehee sounds like thot book

Okay I'm sorry I'll leave now

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