The Life of a Failure...Might not be so horrible.

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I felt very stiff, everything hurt. I grimaced because of the pain and the fact that I was feeling anything at all. I refused to open my eyes, refused to accept the fact that I was still here at all. Why was the world cruel enough to not only curse me with Ellyot, but when I try to solve the problem and get rid of both of us it makes me a failure? Had I done something to deserve this? Because last time I had checked nobody, not even the most vile person to ever walk the earth should have to deal with this. I was living life as a failure when I didn't want to live at all. A sudden sob forced my eyes to flash open in surprise.

Sitting at my bedside was the one person I wanted to see the most at the moment even though I didn't want to see anyone.

"Delilah" I croaked weakly. I was tempted to reach out and touch her but decided it was a bad idea as she lifted her head towards me and I saw horrible hand shaped bruises on her neck. The bruises that I had caused. Delilah's face was covered in tears, her hair was a knotted mess, making it obvious she had been constantly curling her fingers through it in distress. "I-I-I'm sorry,"

"For what, Elliot? You didn't do anything wrong," she carefully encircled me in her arms before whispering "I'm just so glad that you're ok," I wanted to laugh at the statement. Because I really wasn't ok, and I am pretty sure that I never will be ok as long as Ellyot was in existence. I subconsciously snuggled closer to Delilah and hugged her loosely, seeking as much comfort as I could get before everything went wrong as usual. Silent tears stroked down both of our faces, I couldn't even contain them anymore. The weight of everything that had happened recently suddenly hailed down on me. I have no clue how long I just sat there, sobbing into my twins chest as she sobbed on my shoulder. However, I do know that when we had finally stopped we were both to exhausted to hold a conversation or do anything else really. We were laying side by side, curled against each other as we slowly fell asleep in the uncomfortably small hospital bed when the door opened.

"Hello, I am Denise. I am your nurse for the time being. Doctor Armani asked me to check up on you and inform you of what is going on," a young blonde haired women recited in a tired but kind voice. I nodded silently at her, not wanting to wake my twin who was still soundly asleep.

"We have put you on a prescription medication for your split personality. It should have been taking effect since you regained consciousness-"

The rest of what she was saying had faded into background noise. I hadn't even noticed that Ellyot was so quiet, that she was gone untill the medication wore off. I couldn't seem to wipe away the wide smile that was smearing itself across my face. I was free of my curse for at least a little while, and that is what I had been wishing for since the monster had shown up in my life. I looked down at Delilah who was now awake, staring at me in I combination of joy confusion and curiosity.

"What's going on? I haven't seen you smile in forever, I mean not that I am not glad about it but why are you smiling so big?"she questioned tiredly

"The medication that they prescribed me, it's working. Ellyot is gone for right now" I rushed, feeling like a child who has just received a plethora of gift out of no true cause. As the words registered in her brain a smile duplicate to mine appeared on her lips. Suddenly, I wasn't to upset about failing my attempt at suicide

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