Mikey Elskaya

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Mikey Elskaya (her full name is Michelle Belle Marie Elskaya)
Mikey is yet another OC I randomly conjured up when I was bored and had a lot more time than I did with Evie.
Yes I know she sucks a**, I tried okay.

Michelle Elskaya is a OC after my own heart, she has horrible dark humor and she needs glasses badly for her farsightedness but her hard headed fault keeps her from actually telling anyone or doing anything about it.

With her friends she's a spontaneous and bombastic young lady that is often ridiculed because of her personality.
When she's alone she is a well reserved bookworm that could use a bit more sun for her skin.

She had bad acne as a teen and still has some but not as bad.
She was an obese kid in Primary school.
She is lesbian through and through but her parents are avid Christians which makes life difficult.
(At first I was tempted to name her Kristen or something that sounds like Christian)
She has four siblings and has a gay older brother.
She's the middle child.
Both her parents are nice but if you would tell them that you were Lesbian, Bisexual etc,
They would freaking flip.
That's why her eldest brother is in London, her parents feared it would rub off on the rest of her siblings.

Her family; (sorted by age)
Clayton A. Elskaya
Kristy O. Elskaya
Lynn A. Elskaya
Preston W. Elskaya
Michelle B. Elskaya
Ella E. Elskaya

Is this a Mary Sue? If you label her as such please tell me in the comments to change whatever you think is the main factor that makes her as such.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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