"Blurred Lines" Robin Thicke

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Dorian Grey II (@DorianII)

The next person who orders an iced beverage is gonna get it #BoycottFrappuchinos

Cris Emerson (@Cris_Emerson)

Photoshoot...lunch meeting...photoshoot...long day but I get to have dinner with @Ariella_Em106

Dorian Grey (@DorianII)

I'm bored.  Someone entertain me! Oh and congrats to @rosieposie for taking 1st and 2nd in her riding division #RosieposieScores #Congratulations #NoIDontUnderstandHowThatWorks

Chat between Dominic, Micah, and Benji

djkinsey: What do you mean you can't go?

chriscrossedmicah: I mean Emma, Morgan, Jocelyn, and I are meeting up for lunch. I can't go.

djkinsey: You're ditching this mission for your mental sister, her boyfriend, and your PR girlfriend?  Seriously?

mustlovedogs: I kind of agree with Nic on this one.

chriscrossedmicah: Yeah. It's called being responsible.  Besides, Joce and Emma are friends.  Morgan and I are friends.  Joce and I are sort of friends.  It's no big deal.

mustlovedogs: You picked this date.

chriscrossedmicah: That's because it's the only time Cris is busy all day.

djkinsey: I can't believe you're bailing on meeting Dorian! After all I went through to find him. I did recon, broke into Cris's mobile, Twitter stalked his and Rosie's Tweets. And it was your plan.

chriscrossedmicah: ...actually it was Benji's.

mustlovedogs: Die Micah. You sold me out.

djkinsey: WHAT?!

Tumblr Post: crissyswifeypoo

This Tattoo Delusion

Ok can all these Corian or Crispian or whatever shippers just stop it.  This is the same bullshit that's fucking the 1D fandom.  Everyone just stop being so damn deluded.  Dorian and Cris are best friends. BROMANCE.  Just because Dorian is gay doesn't mean he and Cris are fucking especially since Cris is obviously very straight.  So they got Woodstock and Snoopy tattoos...ok?  I mean, friends aren't allowed to get tattoos of two of the biggest bromance cartoon characters ever?  Chill the fuck out.  And seriously?  Drop the dreamcatcher thing.  They're freaking FEATHERS.  Both pictures are blurry.  There's no way you can tell if Cris's match the ones on Dorian's eagle that RosiePosie put up on Instagram.  Stop being ridiculous.  Blurry feathers, Snoopy and Woodstock, and some flirty Tweets don't equal some sort of hidden relationship. Let's everyone stop being retarded and let it go before you become the Larry shippers, for real.

Cris Emerson (@Cris_Emerson)

@DorianII I'm thinking a Lotus flower

Dorian Grey II (@DorianII)

A very manly flower @Cris_Emerson. I'm think cyanide or a handgun.

Cris Emerson (@Cris_Emerson)

@DorianII cyanide's neater and cheaper. I downloaded Flow onto your mobile #EntertainYourself

Dorian Grey II (@DorianII)



People assumed Irial liked slow days.  He didn't, actually, they bored him to tears.  That wasn't to say he liked busy days either, because he tended to get overwhelmed and easily frustrated.  He was picky; he didn't particularly like any day that didn't fall into his midline range of 'this is okay, I can get with this'...so maybe five days out of the year but those bills wouldn't pay themselves, which is why he continued to get his ass into work relatively on time to make people £2 coffees at slightly more than minimum wage.   

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