Chapter Two

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I stayed in the same room as Bandon, I didn't want to leave his side.

"Lady Undoeth, your presence is needed," one of the guards came in.

"I'll be right out," I respond. I place a kiss on Bandon's head and leave the room. The guard walks me to the Sanctuary.

"What is she doing here?" I hear a voice say.

"She is here because she is the last of the Fae and her magic is needed," Allanon says. I bow to the king and stand next to Allanon.

"Amberle Elessedil, you left your duty as one of the chosen," the king Eventine starts.

"I did."

"Now you want to carry the seed of the Ellcrys to the BloodFire?"

"I do."

"Are you ready to enter the Ellcrys?"

"I am," Amberle says with determination. Eventine nods and she stands, she walks up the steps and places a hand on the Ellcrys. The door opens and in she goes.

"If she passes the test the Ellcrys will give her the seed but if she doesn't it'll kill her?" the halfling asks.

"Yes," Allanon responds.

"Why did you want me here?" I ask the druid.

"You are the last of the Fae. Your magic is strong and you have a special connection to nature that none of us will ever possess," he places a hand on the tree.

I walk around the tree and notice the blood coming from it. I pick one spot and I let my magic flow through me and into the tree, I close my eyes and focus on healing it. I open my eyes once more and that area is healed.

"I didn't know you could do that," Ander walks up to me.

"There's a lot you don't know that I can do," I smirk at him.

"Well maybe you could show me sometime," he replies with his own smirk.

"Maybe," I say. "I should get back to Bandon," I start walking away from the Ellcrys.

"Why do you stay with the kid anyway?" Ander stops me.

"I owe him for saving my life. If it weren't for him I'd be dead right now," I respond walking out of the Sanctuary.

I walked to the room Bandon was in only to find him gone. Where could he have gone? I ask one of the guards if they know where he's gone. Apparently he thought it was a good idea to walk around and get lost.

I go to the room they set up for me and I jump in the shower and change my clothes. I stick with neutral colors so I wear my black pants and a grey long sleeve shirt and black boots.

I walk around the place and go to the kitchens to get something to eat. I eat some fruit while I think of ways to keep the Dagda Mor at bay.

"M'lady Undoeth. King Eventine has summoned you in the throne room," I nod my head and follow after him while eating my apple.

"You wanted to see me Eventine," I say as I walk in.

"Yes we need your assistance with our demon problem," he says.

"Do you know what kind it is?" I ask.

"We do not. We were hoping you could help us with that," the druid announces.

"How can she help us find the demon?" Arion says in distaste.

"For your information the Fae are able to sense a demon so I suggest you shut your princely mouth before saying more nonsense," I spat out. I turn to Allanon, "where do you want me to start?"

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