Chapter One

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We met as kids, I was 7 and he was 8. I was being picked on for wearing a dress and being a boy. He told them that he told the parents and they ran, then he helped me up. His brown waves hair and bright blue eyes captivated me. Even as a kid he was beautiful.
That's when it all began.
Ever since that day me and Josh never left each others side. He kept his brown hair short while mine grew long and blonde, my once green eyes turning hazel.
I remember once in 7th grade I asked Josh why he stayed my friend, when all of his other friends made fun of me.
" Because I need someone, who truly cares for me and will be a real friend, by my side."
When I was in 8th grade I came out to him as gay, he remained my best friend. though sadly he was a year older than me, he went off to highschool, leaving me behind for a year. And even though I thought he would forget about me, he didn't. after all of this, I realised , finally, that I was in love with Josh.
Once I got in high school I got really into art and music. It was the only way I could express myself. Josh, though being a football player, helped in anyway possible.
A majority of my art works are about my crush on Josh. My teacher thinks they are deep and meaning full, but really they just look depressing. They are all black and white and grey mashes. Colour has never really been my forte. Josh is straight, so i'm lost in my own mind. Sadly, it also sinks into my music. When I auditioned for piano, my instructor told me I had too much emotional baggage for a kid my age, but what could I say? 'Oh sorry teach, i'm extremely gay and in love with my straight best friend.'? That's not happening.
During lunch we sit together, never eating because school food sucks, but talking.
"So are you going to continue growing out your hair?" Josh asked while braiding my hair," because if you do this is going to become tiring." he said with a laugh, the sound of it makes me smile.
"I'm not sure, I like my hair, but sometimes when I paint I get my hair in it. Its a real hassle getting dryer paint out of your hair." I say, he finishes the braid and sits next to me.
"Well I love it so please don't." he says, giving me a puppy dog look with it.
"Fine, but only because you asked so nicley." I say, it's impossible to say no to him. He hugs me, then continues talking, "Are you coming to the football game tonight?" he asks with excitement.
"I would love to, but I don't have ticket money." He smiles, then produces a paper out of his pocket.
"Well good thing I bought one for you already, actually it's a special ticket, floor seats, right where you can see everything. just show this to the couch and he will escort you to your seat." he says. I happily take the ticket out of his hands, then gave him a big hug.
"Thank you." The bell rings and we walk to our classes.
Art is my last period of the day and the best, well, usually. But today my teacher decided to get a paint brush and stab me in the heart with it, literally. 5 minutes into class and he dropped the bomb shell of a photography project. Now photography is beautiful and is my absolute favourite, but then he says he wants us to capture a subject. And you wanna know what the subject is? Love. Fucking LOVE!!!!???? My current love life consist of me crying over Josh and stuffing my face with discounted post valentine's day chocolate! How am I expected to do this?!
He gives us the class period to work on it, so while everyone thinks, I band my head on the table silently. Why does life hate me?
I spent the next few hours before the game in the library, how the fuck am I supposed to capture love?
and there we go, chapter one completed C:

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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