Greentext 3: Marble Hornets (Mia Jaspers)

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>be me
>Mia Jaspers, hackercunt
>used to live in New Jersey with best friend Katie
>was a camerawoman for the student film once
>Alex arrives at the location later than usual
>notice something off about him as he walks by
>he wasn't hyper and he wasn't calm 
>he was normal
>but there was something
>he asks me to go get something out of his car and tosses me the keys
>honestly thought I would just grab tapes/other camera and be done with it
>thought everything would be normal
>fuck no it wasn't
>unlock and open Alex's car door
>entire interior of car smells like weed
>remember how I said I'm from New Jersey?
>I know what good weed smells like
>this shit was straight up kush
>K u S h
>completely dazed by just the smell of it
>it was that good
>grab random shit out of passenger seat
>I think it was a box of spare tapes
>I don't remember, I was too fucked from the mere scent of that shit
>as you can probably assume, it was the highest quality shit that somebody could blaze ever
>stumble back to Alex with whatever it was after slamming door
>ask Alex
>"Who. The fuck. Is. Your. Dealer."
>Alex points at Tim
>Tim points at Brian
>Brian points at Katie
>Katie points at Blake
>Blake points at Harleen
>Harleen points at Jay
>Jay points to self with a cocky smirk on his face
>never was camerawoman again

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