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 You stagger down the hallway with no grace whatsoever, as if that's actually something you'd be thinking about, your currently focused with finding the others, you know they're here, but where? Where the fuck are they hiding at? You weren't certain where anyone else was, you'd checked the main room of the laboratory where everyone had previously been but you'd only found one single corpse, the corpse of the fish one, Feferi. You haven't done anything to her body yet except store it, it'll be useful later.

Upon your face you wear a pair of red shades, Terezi's shades, Karkat has already tried contacting her about the 'Emergency' and you probably freaked him the fuck out by responding through her troll handle, you find this amusing and give a low chuckle as you continue to walk. You aren't sure who exactly you're looking for, perhaps just anyone unlucky enough to encounter you for the moment, you are going after Karkat but you figure he's already long gone for the moment, so instead you'll look for others in the mean time.

You continue down the hall until finally you reach a set of stairs, there's an awful lot of ledges around this area and you wonder if anyone has been by this way, where exactly are they hiding? You begin making your way down the stairs, keeping your eyes peeled for evidence of motherfuckers heading this way, you'd found Terezi's glasses near this area, perhaps she was still around?

Once at the bottom of the stairs you have to pause at the sight up ahead, staring at the corpse, lips curling downwards into the smallest of frowns. It's the corpse of your Tavbro, he's laying on the ground in a strange position, one robotic leg broken and spilling brown blood onto the floor, a large wound gaping in his chest seeping out blood, there's even some of the brown liquid coming from his lip, what could have happened to him? You aren't sure what to think of the scene, who would do this to your bro?

You have mixed feelings about this, you were on a quest to kill all of your 'friends' but him? Would you of killed him? Did you want him dead as well?

"Motherfucking shit." You quietly grumble while approaching his body, soon sitting down by it and staring at his lifeless face, conflicted emotions raging inside of your body. You aren't sure if you wanted him dead, Tavros was different, you aren't exactly sure how you feel about this but you do know one feeling that stands out among the others, and it's pain. It hurts you to see him like this, you didn't want this for him, he was such an innocent troll, things were actually going his way with those fancy miracle legs but now...this?

You shake your head in mild frustration, feeling a flash of anger, of hatred, who could have done this?

"That bitch."

You bite your lip before shaking your head once again, taking a deep breath before looking back at your Tavbro. Maybe it isn't too late, that's what you'd like to think, you'd like to revive him and bring him back, you can let him live and together, together you can finish the job, you can do it together.

That's what you like to think.

You don't even hesitate to lean down and press your lips against his own bloody ones, your eyes staring into his dull eyes, his lips feel cold, lifeless, how long has been this way? You pull away after a moment and stare into his hollow gaze, a wave of emotions beginning to flood inside of you.

It hurts. It hurts you, you're beginning to realize it's too late, he can't be revived, and this fact stabs right into your gut, twisting and churning, inflecting deep emotional damage into your already disturbed mind, but before this can truly overcome you a switch goes off inside of your head.

You're fucking pissed.

Although it's absolutely useless you lean down again, kissing him roughly this time, tasting his shitcolored blood as you press your lips harshly against his before pulling back, staring, then repeating, pressing even harder each time.

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