Chapter 2

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It was a mad scramble to get to our positions. Why, I almost knocked over a poor servant that was carrying twice his weight in food! Hurriedly, I smoothed my hair and dress, making sure to not look like a slob, and stood straight with my head held high.

The sound of hoof steps outside signaled their arrival, and soon we could hear footsteps echoing on the steps to our porch. I held my breath as the door swung open, hoping that it wasn't some sort of false alarm. The clunking slowly reached us, so slow that I started to have the urge to just run up to them. But the look on Margaret's face told me to stay put.

A gruff voice hollered, "We're back!" and a tough looking man walked in. He looked about in his early fifties, with balding blonde hair, and a great, big bushy beard. He held out his arms and Margaret immediately jumped into them. She was crying tears of joy.

"Hey now, Ma," a younger man waltzed in, "Save some tears for me!"

Maxwell was still young, barely into his twenties. With shaggy, medium length blonde hair that swept across his face, kind blue eyes, and a lean, muscular body, he could make any girl swoon with just a smile. He flashed a slightly crooked one at me.

Maxwell approached me nonchalantly and encased his large hand over mine. He brought my delicate hand up to his lips and planted a kiss, "It's been so long Colette..." he said with a mischevious grin, "I've been dreaming of your rosy cheeks, your delicate face, your-"

"Oh sell it somewhere else!" I teased, wrenching my hand from his grasp, "I know you; you're just pulling my leg."

He threw his head up with laughter, "How do you know?" Maxwell leaned down until our noses almost touched, "I might've been sincere..."

"Are you sure about that?" I stood on the tip of my toes, and tilted my head, "Because you looked a bit insincere to me..."

"Then tell me, my dear Colette, is this sincere enough?" He pulled me in and our lips locked together passionately.

Our sweet little moment was interrupted as Margaret pulled us apart,"Save this for the bedroom!" she snapped, "Don't spoil our appetites..."

Margaret clapped her hands together, signaling the servants to start bringing out the many delicacies she had picked out. We all took our seats as the food was served. As the men stuffed themselves like the pigs they were, we ladies ate delicately, or tried to. I was reaching for a second serving of roast pork when Margaret struck me with her stick.

"A lady does not eat more than one serving per course!" she growled, "Remember, you are supposed to be refined, graceful, and proper!"

"Look what good that did you!" I muttered silently, nursing the spot where she had struck me.

"What was that?!"

"Nothing, ma'am..." I pretended nothing had happened between us, and tried to immerse myself within the conversation our husbands were having.

"-over slavery. South Carolina, I've heard, has been talking about seceding!" exclaimed Maxwell, as if the idea was atrocious.

"Aye!" agreed my father-in-law, or Curtis as he is known, "If that Lincoln fellow gets elected president in the coming election, it'll be total war!"

I withdrew from their talk, not wanting to hear anything about this 'war' nonsense. The idea didn't seem very appealing to me. A servant refilled my glass with some more hot punch as I started to ponder. 'What would it be like to have some sort of 'civil war'? 'I just hope it wouldn't happen in MY lifetime...' I thought, furrowing my brow,

After three more courses in our five course meal, Margaret left with Curtis to retire to their bedrrom. I could hear her shrill giggles through their door, and shuddered with the thought at what they were doing inside. Maxwell tugged on my dress sleeve like an impatient little boy wanting to get a new play thing.

"Come on, Colette," he said, leading me out the door. "I have something I want to show you!"

We stumbled through utter darkness as he lead me to wherever we were headed.

"Maxwell, darling..." I panted, "Where exactly ARE we going?!"

"It's just a little bit farther, up that hill!" he reassured me, "Why do you ask dearest? Are you tired?"

Nodding, I collapsed onto the soft earth. Maxwell loomed over me, concern plainly marked on his face. "I'll just carry you the rest of the way..." he decided, and scooped me up into his strong arms.

I sunggled into his chest, happily content with the thought of not walking anymore. Within a few minutes, we had reached the top of a hill covered with wildflowers.

"We're here!" Maxwell exclaimed.

He set me down gently and I sucked in a breath of amazement as my gaze traveled upwards. "It's beautiful!" I breathed, wanting to remember the sight forever.

The night sky stretched vastly like a dark satin blanket. Hundreds of stars littered it like small, shining diamonds, and the moon was high up in the air as if it was suspended by invisible strings. It let a shaft of moonlight shine onto our hill, encasing it in a silvery glow.

Maxwell walked up from behind and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Do you like it?" he asked softly, trying not to ruin the moment. "Do you truly and really like it?"

"Yes...yes I really do. It's like something from a fairytale book!" I turned around to face my husband, and gave him a hug as a thank you. "How did you know that I have always wanted to see the stars like this?"

"Let's just say I have my ways." he gave me a smile. "Anyway, I'm glad you like it. A woman like you deserves the very best." Maxwell planted a soft kiss on my forehead, making me giggle.

A cold breeze whipped through the air, making me shiver with cold. Noticing this, Maxwell picked me up again and started to carry me down the hill.

"Come on, let's go home..." He whispered into my ear, rocking me ever so slightly as if I was a mere child.

My eyelids started to close as I made myself comfortable in his arms, and darkness soon enveloped me in a cocoon of sleep.



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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2014 ⏰

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