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Our lips were still connected, I felt something I couldn't really identify. This persons arms were around my waist. Was kissing me slow but passionately. I opened my eyes and nervously pulled away and smiled.
"Sorry" he whispered and then stepped back a little
"Imma go now" I mumble.

It was 11:48 am and I had finally reached the hospital. I went to the front desk immediately.
"Grayson Dolan" I Say

"Relation?" she asks
"G I R L F R I  E N D" I say nervously
"Room 237" she replies
"Thank you" I mumble and made my way down the halls

I spot Lisa and Sean crying holding each other with Cameron crying into her knees on the ground. My heart broke as tears started to form. Cameron had mascara running down her eyes while Sean tried to comfort Lisa. Cameron looked up and instantly ran to me. She held me so tight I felt like I wasn't breathing. My tears fell and landed on her shoulder. She cried and cried into my shoulder we stood there crying together for what seemed like hours. But I needed it. She finally let go of me

Tears were still running down my cheek and were still coming out. They stained my cheeks as I weakly walked past Lisa and Sean. I pushed the door open as I saw Grayson's lifeless body. My tears got heavier making me cry even more. I cover my mouth in fear and slowly step towards his body. I sat down in defeat next to him and placed a hand on his chest. Part of me felt like he was breathing but the machine told me he was gone. I gently placed my hand on his. He still smelt beautiful like he always did back in school when we'd cuddle I'd always smell his vanilla perfume. His hair was still perfectly ordered and made him look beautiful even tho he wasn't with me anymore. He was still in my heart. All my feelings instantly came back as I cried harder. His lips were soft and plump even though there was no oxygen going through them. He still had that perfect chiseled jaw. I slowly bring my head down and placed a soft kiss on his lips then on his forehead. In anger I punched the side of the bed as Grayson Body instantly flinched and the machine started beeping. It went faster as Graysons chest went up and down as if he was having an heart attack. Doctors immediately walked in and checked all the machines.

One of the doctors then grabbed me and pushed me out. Terrified, I start to yell and cry wanting to go back in. One of the security men stood in the way as I struggle to push past. 
"Let me go in!" I yell as I cry. I push the guard really hard making him stumble back a bit.
"Bianca sweetie stop it" Lisa groaned as she tried to push me away.
"No stop it..let me go in you big fat buffalo" I cry as I run at him. I felt myself being lifted from the ground. Ethan lifted me and threw me over his shoulder than put me down as he pinned me to a wall.
"Bianca stop it...whats wrong with you...he's gone" Ethan yells as everyone looked at us.
"Grayson is alive...he was I know he was I want to go int here for fuck sake...I need to see him I want him near me....He was bre-" I was cut off by Ethan cutting me off by kissing me. His soft lips made me relax as I let my body go loose into the kiss. Slowly I cleared my mind then pulled away.
"He's alive..I know he is" I whisper as tears started to fall down my cheek. I slowly slide down and sat against the wall resting my head in my knees.
"Bian-n-ca...hes gone" Ethan cries as he wrapped his arms around me.

Short chapter

I cried during this
Why do I do this to myself

Friends with benefits(Grayson Bailey Dolan)Where stories live. Discover now