Chapter Three

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The attic did not seem like the perfect place to hide out in, but it was the only choice we had at the current situation.  Trying to look around for a source of light, I calmly called out, "Phil? Hannah?" "I'm here," said Hannah from out of the pitch black room.  "Here," announced Phil.  We were all accounted for, but we could not see if Phil would have had any damage upon him, as no light source was found.  Scrambling to my feet, I waved my arms around, trying to find an object to grasp on to.  It was like closing your eyes, you couldn't see anything.  I took a step forwards, before I fell over and tripped onto my face.  Phil snapped at me, "Watch where you're going!"  I slowly lifted my head up, looking around.  "Sorry! How about you tell me where to go!" I snapped back.  Finally, a light appeared from my left.  I looked over to see that Hannah had pulled a light switch that was dangling from the ceiling.  It didn't provide much light, but enough to see ourselves.  I slowly got up onto my feet, looking over towards her.  "There, now we can actually see." Hannah remarked, before looking around the compacted area we were in.  It wasn't a very big attic, but it was big enough for us to stand in and walk around.  I walked up towards Hannah, standing in front of her.  I dropped my backback onto the floor, as the same with Hannah and Phil.  I turned my head to see that Phil was slightly limping towards us.  Hannah quickly ran next to Phil, wrapping him in another hug.  "Are you OK!?" She asked in worry.  Phil nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine." I knew he was lying.  One of those creatures must have at least done some damage to him, and him limping gave it away.  Hannah released him, and looked at his leg.  And just as I predicted, there was a wound on it.  It was more of a cut, definately not a bite.  Hannah gasped at what she saw, crouching to look at Phil's wound.  "This does not look good!"  Phil looked up at me, then back down to Hannah.  "It's fine, I'll live.  A simple scratch won't kill me." I looked at Phil, crossing my arms.  I was feeling slightly worried about him, but I didn't seem to show it.  "Yeah, I'm fine too." I said sarcastically.  Hannah quickly shot her face toward at me and glared for a few seconds before back at Phil's leg.  Phil looked up at me, slightly angry.  "You think this is a game?!"  I took a step back, uncrossing my arms.  "Of course not!"  Hannah got up and stood next to Phil, she glared at me and started to snap, "Phil is hurt, and he could have been killed! And you are acting like this is some sort of movie!"  My voice started to raise louder, "I am not!  I'm trying to help out here!  If I thought this was a movie, I probably would have let go of Phil!"  I didn't mean it, but I wanted to get my point acrossed.  Phil limped quickly over to me until he was right at my face.  He continued to yell at me, "Hannah and I would probably be a far better group right now without you!  We wouldn't be stuck in this situation if you haven't decided to run in here!"  I couldn't control my anger.  I really did try to help as best as I can with the group, but this is how I got re-payed.  "Why don't you try leading for a chance!? It's not as easy as it sounds!  You have to help  one another!  If I wasn't here, you probably would have been one of them by now!" Hannah stood next to Phil, putting her hand on his shoulder.  "Let it go," she said quietly to hm.  Phil rotated his shoulder, causing Hannah's grip to fall off of him.  He then held out both of his arms and shoved me, until I was on the ground.  I shook my head quickly, trying to get my vision back together.  Angry, I stood back up and returned the shove.  Phil, stumbled a bit, but he did not tumble.  He threw another angry expression at me, before running at me and tackling me.  We were now both on the floor.  I tried to shove him off of me, but it seemed like no use.  Hannah saw what was happening, and she quickly tried to pull Phil off of me.  Phil wouldn't budge, as if he wasn't in complete control of his body.  I strangled with him, trying to get his weight off of me.  My lungs were out of air as it was, and Phil was just making things worse.  Getting my hand free from his grasp, I quickly pushed him off.  Hannah fell back onto her bottom, staring at the both of us.  I looked over to Phil and stood up, ready to kick him in the face.  As I was about to lay my foot down, I heard a voice from behind me.  "Stop! Stop fighting!"  Yelled Hannah from behind me.  I stopped my foot in mid-air and turned my head, still with an angry expression on my face.  There was a single tear coming from out of her eye.  My expression dissapeared into realization, and I looked down at Phil, who was struggling to get up.  I looked back over to Hannah, "You guys need to stop fighting!  Just stop!  We have bigger problems right now and you are all acting like children!  Get your act together or I swear I will throw you both out into the streets!"  She snapped at us, with an angry yet sad tone.  I slammed my foot down, crashing next to Phil.  Phil scrambled, but finally got back onto his feet, as he stared at Hannah.  I turned also, staring at her with a worried expression.  She turned away, walking a few steps away from us, before taking a seat.  I heard a small cry coming from her.  We shouldn't have been fighting.  She was right, we did have bigger problems.  Feeling bad, I looked down at the cemented ground, thinking about what just happened.  I heard footsteps over to my left, and I quickly shot a glance to see that Phil was slowly limping over to Hannah.  As he got next to her, he took a seat next to her, and wrapped his arm around her.  I stood motionless and let them have their moment.  They were conversing with each other, but I could not hear it as I was thinking about other things.  How were we going to get out? Is Phil going to heal?  This was tough, real though.  I stood there, still staring at the ground, wondering how the hell we were going to survive with each other.  Should I be afraid of the undead, or my fellow companions?

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