Chapter 1: Company

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Two boys with jet black hair and camo gear crouch behind a large overgrown bush, resting their guns beside them. One of them, lanky and pale, analyzes their surroundings as he strategizes with his partner.

"Ok Jake; Grace and Mason are on the same team this time. They're probably not going to be moving too fast, meaning we probably have time to set up a flank. I want you to go ahead and scout out which way they're going. I want you to then come back to me and report, we'll go from there."

The slightly tan boy beside him, Jake, curtly nods, already on the move.

"Got it!"


A girl with dirty blonde hair and camo looks carefully at her surroundings while she navigates herself and her gun through the greenery. A muscular, brown-haired boy, that has the same gun and camo getup, struggles to keep the branches and twigs from his face while trailing behind her.

"Come on Mason, if we take too long, they're going to get to our flag and bring it back to their base before we even get to theirs."

"Not likely. Jake might want to take a speedy approach, but James will find it too risky. He'll probably want to kill us both in some kind of five-step ambush. It's best to take it slow and be careful. And besides, I don't want to run anyway. It's too much effort."

The girl nods. Behind them Jake is climbing the hill as silently as he can, searching for Mason and his partner.

"You're right. We need to be careful, James always has something up his sleeve. But we need to keep moving or we're never going to win."

Jake spots the two through the greenery.

To hell with reporting to James, they're both right here! I'm not going to give up an opportunity like this. I can sneak up behind them and take them both out.

Jake starts moving down the hill, trying to reach the pair before they see him. But in his haste, he fails to navigate with the necessary stealth. Mason notices him almost immediately.

"Hey, Grace..."

"I know. It's gotta be Jake."

The girl, Grace, starts running down the trail, Mason close behind her, and Jake realizes he blew it.

"Hey! Get back here!"

James hears Jake shout from across the property.

All according to plan. Unfortunately. I knew Jake was going to disobey my plan and try to sneak up on them. Both Grace and Mason are more cautious than aggressive, so they will stick together instead of splitting apart and won't try to take Jake head on. Because Mason is with them, they won't be able to outrun Jake and they know that, so their only option is to quickly hide and ambush him. And knowing the area, the best place around there to do that is...

Mason and Grace dive behind a small hedge of dense bushes.

"Jake has no idea how to sneak up on people." Grace rolls her eyes as her mind races for a strategy. A second after Grace spoke, Mason seems to realize something.

"But James does."

A paintball grenade flies out of the bushes and lands in between them. Mason pushes Grace to the side and lays on top of it as the paintball grenade explodes. Mason groans as his stomach contains the impact. Grace stands back up, the shock was gone and annoyance was now clear on her face.

"Dammit Mason, why'd you do that!"

"Go!" Mason didn't bother getting up. Grace gives an exasperated sigh and takes something from her pocket. She crouches down and puts it into Mason's hand.

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