when they met

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(This chapter is in Landon point of view as the setting is 7th period.)

It was 7th period on the first day of school and they decided to do some icebreakers it was her turn the pretty girl's turn. She said "Hi I'm Finley Hobart, I have a twin sister named Barrett an older brother named Asher I'm part of the not-alone buddies. I volunteer at the animal shelter I have 2 dog's my friends are Lily, Maribelle, Jayden, Kiki, Lisette, Reanne, Ava, Iliana, and Melanie .I went to Luther Jones elementary. I like harry potter, Hamilton, and Heather's." Wow that was a lot to take in but he was sure he would remember it because this was true love

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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