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Holly and Conner:
Holly officially hated Annabeth. It was supposed to be a secret, but nooooo, Annabeth had to go blabbing about it to Connor's /brother/. And that brought her to this, locked in a dark room in the Big House with the lights disconnected for a slight remodel, with Connor just a few feet away who may or may not be unconscious. Holly had hit him- not too hard, she hoped- on the head when she heard him standing next to her and breathing. It's not like she was WARNED that Connor would be in there, she didn't even know SHE would be in there. And it made it all the worse that it was dark and Holly was /freaking scared to death of the dark/. Partially because A, darkness and B, she can't see if there are any spiders and so her brain imagines them EVERWHERE.

Holly heard Connor groan and sit up. Okay, so not dead and not unconscious. She held her breath, hoping he please wouldn't say anything to confirm who was there. 'Please!' she begged of the gods. But obviously Aphrodite was the one to have her way. Connor said in a loud voice, "Hello? Who's there?" He didn't seem scared, but then he probably thought that someone was playing a prank on him. Holly tried to keep silent but he said, "I know your there." Holly was clever enough to know that he would find out who she was eventually, so she told him who she was and what got them there, minus the teeny-tiny detail of her major crush on him.

She really hoped they would let them out after a certain amount of time, but knowing Travis he would probably be listening in and only let them out if she caved.

It turned out she didn't have too. Connor sighed and said, "I'm really sorry they brought you into this, I really would have thought Annabeth would have the sense to stay out of this too." At this Holly frowned and asked, "What on Olympus do you mean?" Connor gulped audibly and took a deep breath. "This all happened because... well, because... because I told Travis I like you."

At first Holly was elated, who wouldn't be? But then her mind had to practical and her face heated in anger. "You may be a prankster but this- this is the cruelest joke you've ever played."  Connor, apparently clueless to her meaning, spluttered, "W-what? But I-" Holly interrupted him. "I told Annabeth that I like you- a lot. She promised to keep it a secret but then went behind my back to tell Travis, probably to play matchmaker for the first time in her life. Then Travis tells you so you can get a good laugh out of this and humiliate me, the girl you never had an opportunity to prank before." By the end of this Holly could barely keep herself from crying.

Connor found her by the sound of her voice and put his hand on her shoulder and kept it there despite her attempts to shake it off. "Hey, Holly. I would never /dream/ of hurting you like that. I really, really do like you, and I didn't even think you liked me back. I was expecting some bewildered rejection when I admitted my feelings." Holly looked over and having been in the dark so long she could just make out his face. Her eyes slipped to his lips and because of all her roiling emotions, she didn't stop to think before she pressed hers against his.

At that moment, they heard a click from the door being unlocked and jumped several feet apart, both blushing wildly. Annabeth and Travis opened the door and peeked in. Travis looked disappointed. "I was so sure they'd kiss!" He whined. Annabeth chuckled. "By the looks on their faces, I'm sure they did." Connor and Holly looked at eachother, blushed more, and ran out.

They stopped at the porch and Conner said, "We really ought to get back at them." Holly nodded. "Well for Annabeth it's obvious, tell the Aphrodite kids that she played matchmaker. For Travis..." "I don't think he likes anyone." Connor said, shrugging. Holly's jaw dropped. "You're almost as oblivious as he is. It's always been Katie for him, as certain as a prophecy. It's so obvious they've been in love with each other for years." Connor blinked in surprise, before putting on a mischievous grin. "We're gonna get them back good."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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