Maiden's Curse ♡

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[Narrator POV]

In a small quaint village in the north was a beautiful young maiden with azure blue hair who could make any man fall in love with her by smiling. Many men proclaimed their love to her but she rejected them all, cause she loved a different man. The man was a tall red headed man was a mischevious pranker man.  Women started to fall in love with him as Well. But he rejected them too and he was in love with the same maiden. Yet both were unknown of their feelings for each other. Yet he didn't know that a witch had fallen head over heels for him and watched his ever movement too.

At last, the he had found the courage to proclaim his love to her. He walked to her small but and knocked on the door. To be honest he was never scared of anything until now. Now he was scared of rejection as he heard that shbe pushed away every man that said loved her. Finally Nagisa opened the door and was surprised to see her crush at her doorstep. "Oh! Karma-kun! What brings you here at this hour. Would you like to come in?" She asked. Karma smiled a sincere smile that no one in the world had ever seen. Not even Nagisa. This of course made the maiden blush which made Karma blush. "Actually I wanted to show and tell you something. But first you have to close your eyes.

Confused she closed her eyes slowly. Karma got behind her and grabbed her shoulders and giving her a quick squeeze letting her know she could open her eyes. Once her eyes fully opened she gasped at the scene in front of her. It was the sunset at a perfect angle just so it hit the windows on the town homes making them shimmer. "You see this? This is how I feel every time I think of you. Cause... I love you. I know it's kinda pointless to tell you this since you always push away the other men. But I just hope you can return my feel--" the man said before having the maiden turn around and pressed  her lips against his. The man was shocked before melting into the kiss as Well. She pushed away slowly and hugged him tightly. "Baka... of course I love you... You're the reason why I push those men away. Because I love you and only you." She whispered as tears of joy slowly fell down her cheek.

Little did they know that because of the witch who stalked him was jealous. She decided that if no one can have him if she can't. So the next day as the maiden went to the forest to gather firewood the witch went to her and cursed her. "You have taken what is mine. I now curse you to kill the man you love. If you don't do it before tonight, your body will change and you will no longer be beautiful anymore and then you will lose him. Only one thing can stop it but not even I know it." The witch said before disappearing back into the forest. The maiden now had tears fall from her eyes as she dropped all the firewood and ran back home. She burst through the doors and embraced the man who was in the kitchen making their food.

"A witches has cursed me to do something horrible or face unknown consequences..." She sobbed into his arms. He hugged her tightly before asking her, "What did she curse you to do?" She sobbed even louder and tried her hardest to keep her words clear. "She cursed me to either kill you tonight or something will happen to me... I don't want to hurt you!  I'm scared! And... I..u-understand... i-if you d-don't wa-nt to be with m-me...Any more! " she sobbed  .

The man stiffened but still had a smile on. He then finally came up with a solution to make his love one feel better. Soon he knew what to say as he stroked her hair. "I would only let you and only you kill me. Cause I love you, and I know you would not murder me for no reason. Yet the witch gave you the choice. But just know that I will love you no matter what you look like," He said making the girl blush as he kissed her on the forehead. "But I have to do something outside. I'll be gone for a little. And don't worry I promise I will return. And maybe... this can give you time to think about what you want to do." He smiled at her warmly before walking out the door. The girl was that even though she had the option to kill him, he still wanted to stay with him. That's when she decided not to kill him, she stopped and looked at the clocks on walls to see it would be midnight soon braking the night from the day. Blue scales that shimmered like diamonds started to appear on her arms; and her legs started to conjoin and scales appear there too, and her azure eyes turned into slits. She did not panick though... Cause she had faith that the man would still love her in what ever form she took place of.

As for the man he looked for the witch and killed her as revenge for cursing the person he loves. When he came home he was shocked to see that a cloud of smoke surrounded a figure that lay on the ground. He ran towards the body only to see that it wasn't a human body but a cobra's. The man shook the snake and asked if it was the maiden in the snakes body. She hissed once telling him yes. The smiled and cried as be held her snake body tightly. "Your scales shimmer like diamonds and your eyes are still the same beautiful azure of the woman I love~" He said.

Many moons have passed after this day and the man grew accustomed to having the maiden as a snake. But one night, something seemed to be a normal at first. But it a Cresent Moon this night and the two were already sleeping, the maiden coiled around the man and had their faces a very short distance from each other and accidentally kissed. The woman's body glowed a bright teal and turned her back into a human with a sparkling blue nightgown. The woman awoke to know have feeling in her legs and arms. She was shocked and amazed  that she was back and slowly got up and walked to the window to gaze at the Cresent Moon as the wind blew through her hair.

The man shot up due to the absence of the coiling snake around his body. But instead he saw his beautiful lover in human. He slowly walked to her and kissed her. The curse was now lifted and they spent their lives together and had a child.

The end.

(Later time)
"Was that a true story Mama Nagi?" Her child asked. Nagisa smiled at her child and kissed them on the forehead and said, "Of course my child~ in fact I am the woman who turned into the snake~ Well goodnight babydoll. I love you~" she said as she tucked her child in bed and blew out the candle that illuminated the room. She walked back to her own room and laid next to her husband Karma.  I'm glad that the curse is gone, and I can be with my Karma. She thought.

well that's all folks! This was a total of 1307 words. And Don't forget to leave requests, read my other stories, and follow! Bye!


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