Christmas Special 1/5

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Akko sat with her friends in front of the mall, she was a little bit stressed.

-"Omg! Girls! What the hell do I do!? I can't find anything good for her!"- the brunette stood up again, passing from one side to the other in a quick pace -"I have checked every single store and nothing seems to fit her"- She whined, pulling her hair.

Yes, just a little, as she was about to speak again, Lotte lifted both of her hands, making the girl freeze in place.

-"Why don't you give her a necklace?"- She offered.

-"Won't that be a little to clasic?"- Akko asked, getting bored just by thinking about it.

Sucy smirked -"Why don't you buy her a promising ring?"- She said, knowing the girl hated when they talk about them like if they were a couple.

-"She is not my girlfriend!"- Akko screamed, letting herself fall to the floor.

-"You do wish for it"- Sucy teased.

The girl blushed averting her eyes -"I don't"-

-"Oh please, you have send us a long paragraph describing how beautiful her eyes looked, and another one of her voice"- Lotte said.

-"And you always, I mean always look at her dreamily, and everytime she is speaking to you, your eyes glanced at her lips"- Sucy added.

And for her luck, only something that could happen to her, the blonde appeared.

She was walking out of the building, with Hannah and Barbara by her side, while her eyes were sparkling. She had on a light blue long sleeve sweater, dark navy jeans and white convers.

-"Akko, you are dripping"- Sucy snickered, watching a trail of saliva rushing down the girl's lip.

The brunette quickly cleaned up -"N-No I-I w-wasn't"- She was beat red by now.

The trio notice the red team, waving atnd making the way toward them.

-"I think I'll go and buy the ring, bye!"- Akko said standing up and rushing away, hidding her red face from Diana as she rushed beside them.

-"What is wrong with her?"- Barbara asked once she reached the two other girls.

-"Oh, Her?"- Sucy pointed toward the brunette who dissapeared by two cristal doors -"She is going to marry the blonde"- She smirked watching Diana in the eyes.

Diana's eyes widen, love struck in her eyes -"She likes me?"- Dianas asked in awe.

-"Darling, you ain't the only blonde in this world"- Sucy said coldly, excited when the girl's eyes reflected that she was hurt.

Lotte had hit her in the hea, and looked at the blonde -"But you are the only blonde she knows"- She said softly.

Hannah cleared her throat -"You are also blonde"- She clarified.

Lotte giggle -"Indeed I am, but unfortunately, I already like a purple haired idiot"- She said while glancing at Sucy, who had her cheeks stained in pink.

Diana ignored the squeaky sound Barbara and Hannah made, watching Sucy blush. The blonde unconsiously started walking toward the building again, rushing throught the hallways of the mall, looking for a certain brunette.

She did find her, but it was kinda off, the girl looked in the verge of crying, she had her head leaning back, while one of her hands covered one of her eyes.

Diana sadden,walking toward the girl -"Hey"- She carefully said, while leaning beside her.

And as if she pressed a buttom, Akko let her tears go, turning to the side and hidding her face on the girl's chest, who was surprised by the way Akko was acting.

-"H-Hey, w-what's the matter?"- Diana's voice was trembling, even tho it wasn't her crying.

-"I can't take it Diana, I have been looking all around the mall something to gift you, Christmas is almost close, is not fair, I really wanted to give you something, but nothing seems to pretty to fit you"- Akko cried.

Diana hit realization,and slowly started to chuckle -"Honey, no, don't cry because of that"- She pulled the girl's face up -"The best gift you can give me, is a chance to date you, after that, I don't need no other gift, because having you in my life, would be the best thing I'd ever asked for"- She smile.

That smile made Akko melt, she felt like cupid had stricken her again, without thinking she let herself lean in closing the distance, and making the gap between her lips dissapear.

'This will be the best christmas ever' Akko thought while closing her eyes.

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