Chapter 3

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2 days before the “Reliqua”, there was an increase of crime rate, eruption of volcanoes, attack of the Succubi and Incubi were widespread, exorcism were on every streets, etc.



12 p.m., Travis went home from his girlfriend’s condo unit, he was exhausted and weak. He stepped up to his room as if he was drunk. He almost tripped to his skateboard. He felt as if he was dying. His heart feels like burning. His eyes were bleeding. He coughed up blood. His feet were stiff as if it was frozen. His lips were dry. He needs water, but he didn’t bother getting some. All he knew was it’s his time to die.

He resisted getting some paper from his drawer. He grabbed onto his pen and wrote a letter for his father. It was the only way.

He wrote:


Right now I feel as if I’m dying, I don’t want you to see me suffering like this, not only because mom told me so but because this is all my fault.




      Till now I’m still mad at you because you never had time to check me out.


      Turns out Angela’s a succubus, we did something naughty last night. I really didn’t know what was happening, she was hypnotizing me. She told me she was a succubus, now I believe her.




I wish you can forgive me even on my last breath                                                                             




After writing the letter he uttered, ‘This is probably the last birthday I had after all, you could’ve been here.’

He fainted.

He released the last amount of carbon dioxide from his nasal passages.

12 p.m. same date, Frederick caught himself staring at his family picture again. He looked at the date that was stated at the bottom of the photograph. “When was the last time we celebrated his birthday?” he thought. He checked his calendar he realized that his birthday was yesterday. He realized that the dinner back home was for him. A familiar knock was heard.

‘It’s open’ he stated in an “I don’t care tone”

‘The client cancelled the meeting so you’re free for the day Mr. Craig.’ His assistant announced. His heart was enlightened because finally he can catch up to his son’s birthday, he felt as if an angel touched his heart.

The assistant left and went to the rooftop. There she spread her wings and dived down the building and constantly went up. She faded in a couple of seconds like a blink of an eye. She was an angel sent by God to make sure Fredrick sees his son.

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