Just a dream

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Felix was yet again in another house with another family. Amelia was sitting outside making christmas decorations and I am stuck inside the house wrapping gifts for our friends. I sigh and continue to wrap the gifts until I was finally done, I then stacked them up on the window ledge so no one steps on them. As I take my hands away from placing the gifts i find my hands covered in blood and its dripping all over the floor. "Oh my god!" Felix screamed as he fell back onto the carpet which was also stained with blood. Felix looked around him in panic and found the whole room covered in blood, the walls, windows, doors and even the ceiling. I get up and nearly slip on the glistening scarlet blood but maintain my balance. I run to the window to see if Amelia was still sitting out on the lawn. She was still in the front lawn but she was no longer sitting down, she was dangling by her neck that had a rope rapped around it and was slung up into the trees branches. Her limp bloodied body swung in the wind and she spun around to face him with her glassy dead eyes. "Save me...." She said, "Please save me". Felix screamed as her voice echoed around the house and he had to covered his ears....

Felix woke from his dark dream with a jolt and found himself covered in sweat. He looked at his hands and found no blood on them. Felix started to shiver so he hid under his blankets. Was this what would happen to his new family? No it can't be. He thought to himself. Felix let out a whimper of despair and clutched his knees to his chest, he then started to drift of into another disturbing dream.

Orphanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن