From Me to You

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So I will not be updating until some time after Christmas. Sorry.

Be safe. But if you're bored, read some of the other shit I wrote. I wrote a short story on Edwin called BabyFace. Check it out or whatever.

If you're bored over this small periodically break:

1.Read another story

2. Make a fan page for Pretty Much on Instagram or somewhere else.( I'm @/prettymuchmoist on Instagram)

3. Text someone you haven't talked to in a long time.

4. Text someone new

5. Text your crush on insta, tell them you like them and then un-send it. Even though the message will still be in their notifications.

6. Make a snowman/ play in the snow (if you don't have snow, take a walk.)

7. Binge watch LITERALLY ANYTHING on Netflix or Hulu(etc).

8. Read new fanfiction for a celeb(s) other than the boys.

9. Tell your family you love them and that they are appreciated even if you're lying

10. Drink some water!!!!!

11. Get your skin care routine together. We have to get great in 2018 people! You still cute.

12. Stretch. Not work out. Stretch. It relieves muscle tension.

13. Give someone a kiss.

14. Smile at a sexy stranger

15. GIVE SOMEONE A CARD MADE FROM SCRATCH. Even if you're broke, any gift counts.

16. Watch youtubers of any sort.

17. Go to the gym

18. set up a diet plan if you need/want to.

19.Clean your fucking room.


21.Write a story, it's not hard.

22. Post a bomb ass selfie cuz HONEY.... I don't have to see you to know you that you  LOOK LIKE A DINNER. YAAS BITCH SMILE.

23. TRY to be happy. If you suffer from depression and ALL TIME FUCKING SADNESS, attempt at being happy. It does hurt to try but it won't kill you.

24. Bother the living hell out of your younger/older sibling(s).

25. Listen to your favorite album and turn THAT SHIT ALL THE WAY UP.

26. Do something that doesn't have to deal with a fucking screen (i.e TV, Phone, Tablet, Ipod, Mp3, etc)

27. Look in the mirror and say "I'M UGLY AND I'M PROUD". If you believe you're ugly. But trust me, you're not. Refer to #22.

28. Read a book with actual fucking paper.

29. Spam someone's dm's

30.Make New Year's Resolutions.

31. Do something, doing nothing is doing something but it gets boring after awhile. So do something new. Just make sure you're happy.


Yours(Zion Kuwonu)Where stories live. Discover now