Family Values

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A/N: Y/B/F means 'Your Beat Friend'

I've been locked up in my room ever since I found out that my mother is a witch and my father is a vampire, then on top of that my bestfriend went missing. I have only person to thank for that.... Kai. I've decided that I've spent too much time in my room, so I head downstairs, but I hear everyone's voices: Elena, Damon, Stefan, Enzo, Bonnie, Jeremy, Caroline, and Katherine. "We can't tell her, she'll just get hurt... again." Jeremy says. "Yeah, but then if we don't tell her, she'll think that we betrayed her." Damon reasons. "Well look who has a heart." Katherine says. "Shut up, Katherine." Elena says defensively. "I say we tell her." My dad, Enzo cuts in. "I don't want to keep anything from my daughter, but it's just too dangerous." Bonnie says. "I understand that she lost her powers, but even if she does get close to Kai, he wouldn't do anything to harm her. He's evil, but not evil enough to hurt a 14-year-old girl." Katherine points out. I smirk to myself after that comment. I think I'm old enough to take care of myself and I'll show all of them.

~My Outfit~

~My Outfit~

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Once I get dressed my door creaks open

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Once I get dressed my door creaks open. "Where are you going?" I recognize that voice anywhere, that's my dad. "I heard everything." I say strapping a bottle of vervain on my hip along with my gun.

" I say strapping a bottle of vervain on my hip along with my gun

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"We're trying to protect you

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"We're trying to protect you." He says with sad eyes, I immediately stop what I'm doing.

"Protect me? Dad I just found out that I'm half witch and half vampire! I have to go." "Where?" "Someone's got to pay Kai a visit. As I head downstairs I don't hear anyone so I thought everyone left, but boy was I wrong. "Where are you going?" My mom asks with a look of shock on her face. "Out. Are you ok?" "Yeah I'm just shocked, you haven't been outside of your room in the last month." "I know, but I think that I've learned to accept the fact that that my mom is a witch and my dad is a vampire." I say with a smile. "Y/N, I know where you're going." She says causing my smile to fade. "I was going to tell you after, I promise." "Y/N there could be no after!" "Ok! I'm sorry. I have to go." "Tell me why! Why do you feel the need to put your life on the line?!" "He was there, ok?! Kai was there the last time I saw Y/B/F. He knows what happened." "No." "You'd do the same thing for Elena, wouldn't you?" "Fine, but I'm coming with you." She says as I walk out of the house. She tries to walk out, but she's stopped by the spell I put on her. "What the-" "I found Grams' book. I knew you'd try to come with me and I couldn't take that risk." "Take it off, now." "I'm sorry, I can't do that. I linked our bodies, so you'll know if I get hurt." And with that I left to find Kai.

After about 20 minutes I get a call from Elena. "Y/N?!" "Yeah. Elena are you ok?" "He's got him!" "Woah! Woah! Calm down. Who's got who?" "Kai! Kai's got Damon." "Elena it's gonna be ok. I'm gonna get him back." "Ok. Thank you."

~No One's P.O.V~

Damon is on the floor of the grocery store gasping for air.

"Who buys patio furniture from a grocery store, I mean somebody must otherwise it wouldn't be here but, you know I'm a little unfamiliar with vampires, but-" he says as he takes a wooden pole and breaks it in half. "from what I've gathered a stake in the heart should do it, right?" He says as Damon reaches his hand out causing Kai to stab his hand with the wood making Damon cry out in pain.

"You always fight dirty, Damon. Like that time you and Bonnie played Monopoly and then stole money from the bank, not cool." Kai says as Damon pulls his hand away and stands up. "I'm gonna rip your head off." Damon says. "No you're not." Kai counters as he takes the stake and hits the liquids that were on the shelf causing them to hit Damon, burning his skin. "I didn't know which bottle you'd take, so I vervained them all." He says as he gets ready to stab Damon once more, and that's when Y/N showed up.

~Y/N's P.O.V~

When I finally find Kai, he's about to stab Damon. "Stay away from him." I say causing Kai to freeze and Damon to look at me. "The useless one is here." "I'm a lot stronger than you think." "I've watched you try to do magic for months now, what are you gonna do? Yell at me? It's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you." Kai says as I frown and look at Damon. Then Kai raises the stake and I look to a candle and try to light it. When it lights Damon looks in awe and I smile and start breathing heavily. "Uh-oh." Kai says as Damon looks at me from his place on the ground and smirks at me. "Run." I say to Damon as he gets up and takes off. "Fed mates incindia." I chant as fire forms a circle around Kai and I start to walk towards him.

"Ok. Ok. Ok." He surrenders. "Giving up so soon? I'm embarrassed for you." I say using his words against him. Then Damon comes back and hits him in the back of his head causing him to fly across the store and land on a table.

"I'm sorry I called you the most annoying person in the world, I hadn't met him yet." He says causing me to smile, then it faded. "You, ok?" "I came here for two reasons. I came to get Y/B/F and I came here to get you." "Me?" "Elena asked me to." When I said that he rolled his eyes. "And you're my bestfriend and..." I say tearing up. "I can't- I can't lose you too." I say as I hug him.

When we arrived back at my house my mom ran to me and hugged me. That's when I knew everything would be just fine.

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