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Don't take this the wrong way.

Some days go by as fast as they come

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Some days go by as fast as they come. They leave no traces behind, you might not even remember they ever happened.

'And honestly, I wish yesterday was one of those days. Unfortunately, it wasn't. Not at all.


To him, it was no surprise, coming back home to an emptied out master-room. It was only a matter of time. She wanted this; leaving him behind. He was not enough. That's what she said anyway.

❝Listen to me. Please, just listen to me. This, this is not what I had in mind. You were supposed to be here with me more often. Like, this whole month I have only seen you once—once, damn it. 'And this is the once I am going on about.❞, the words as a cry. They left her mouth out of the sky.

Stop it.

Let go.

She's gone.

The memory of a night he never wanted to experience again kept on haunting him as his body laid on the mattress to rest. 'But it wouldn't stop; the scene kept looping in his mind. Her words as sharp as a knife and the result of it all was a pain like no other inside.

❝Stop it! Nothing you say will or can change my mind. I've heard it all before. Truth is, this is just not working for me anymore. I barely ever see you and when I do, it's always for a period of time that I consider not enough. That sucks, you know. I get that what we have is special to you. 'But I am ready to move on.❞, confession after confession. She spits it all out as if she was a venomous figure.

If you were human,

if you were who I assumed

you were,

you wouldn't have done this.

The bed no longer called his name as he stood up and slammed his fist on the wall, not caring for the pain it was bound to cause. The idea that she was on her way back is nothing short of false hope; she was gone and this time, it was for good.

A simple vibration radiating from his phone was enough to snap him out of the oblivion he was falling into. He wanted it to be her but once he figured who it was, he merely wanted an escape.

12:35 AM

(iMessage 'But her.)

❝Hey, I know it's late but are you still up?❞

✘ H A R M ' S  W A Y. ✘
They would push through the bad.
Ignoring the problems just to hold what they had.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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