Chapter 27

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Warning! This chapter contains mature content!

i woke up well before my alarm today,my thoughts wouldn't leave my mind long enough for me to fall back asleep. I've been in this back and forth between Harry and Shawn, My heart drawn towards Harry, but my mind drawn towards Shawn.

But i can't stay in this back and forth between the two anymore, tonight I'm going to make the decision. It's not fair to either one of them if i keep this up,

Tonight is the Londoners Christmas party, it's important that we do this, in all the drama and fighting these guys need to remember what they're fighting for and to connect on a personal level too

During the day i met up with the girls. We went for coffee in a little cafe called Amour. i made up this whole story about how i was going on a trip in a couple of weeks, thinking that when it comes closer time for the Yorkers attack, I'll need to be all hands on deck.

We went shopping after our drinks, they all wanted to help me pick out a dress and shoes to wear for tonight. i told them it was a family friends party but there would still be younger people there.

May led me into a boutique called Lu's. It was a charming little dress shop, but the price tags weren't exactly student-budget friendly.

"Celena oh my god you would look so perfect in this!" May said holding up a dark grey dress.

My eyes lit up when i saw it. Instantly i grabbed my size and tried it on in the change room. My jaw dropped. It was a satin dress that showed most of my chest with thick straps.

 It was a satin dress that showed most of my chest with thick straps

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i sashayed out of the dressing room to show the girls.
"YES yup that it's it! That's the one!" Yelled Clara
i smiled at their reaction, grabbing the price tag to check it out.


i sighed. "Guys there's no way i could afford this! With tax it'll be almost 300$!"

They all smiled at each other "Merry Christmas" Said Ray

i gave then a confused look,"what do you mean?"

"This is our gift to you, we love you so much and it's hard moving to a new place. This is what you get for being so amazing"" May smiled.

i ran up and hugged them all. These are the best friends anyone could ask for, without even having to tell them they could just sense i was going through something


i stood in my room, wearing the dress and applying a bit more mascara to my lashes.

i pulled on my pea coat, and my strappy heals. Pulling all the presents into a large bag, i went downstairs and hopped into the taxi that had been waiting for me.

My family wasn't home tonight, so i didn't have to lie to them about where I'd be. I'd been doing that a lot lately, and i didn't feel too good about it.

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