chapter 3

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Niquan p.o.v

Beautiful. That's all I can say right now. The forest is a very beautiful place, my haven. Its dangers make it more beautiful because really nothing is perfect. I know, it shocking that im actually being sincere for once, but I cant help being how I am after my parents. My wall is up so high, jesus can see it. But the forest brings me at peace, its 5 in the morning. I always take a walk say my prayers, hope no one gets me upset, so that I dont sin more than I already do. Keisha still recovering from the bullet hole that jackass put in her fucking leg, I dont know why I didnt break his foot then kill him, aww I shouldve done that bummer.

I started to walk back to the dorm because I have a class soon. Crack. The actual fuck is that. omg quan knife, im so stupid lol.
I took out my knife and threw it at whatever it was, not to kill whatever it is but enough to slighlty pierce it.

"Ow, the fuck quan!!" I heard Anthony say, walking out with a knife just bearly in his shoulder.

"Sorry" I said walking off. "What are you doing here anyway, arent you supposed to be sleeping or some shit" I said sitting down on a big log.

"Yea, but I always follow you out here, this time that frickin twig got in the way." He said acting like if it was casual to do that type of shit.

"Why the hell are you following me, you know I like to be alone" I say in a low soft voice. Anthony is the only one who can get me to talk like this, beside keisha, because he was there with me troughout my shit.

"I wanted to make sure you were safe"he said watching me with his soft, brown eyes. You now he isnt exactly ugly.  My brain needs to shut the fuck up.

"Thanks, lets go we need to get ready for class" I said, breaking that little moment .

I heard him sigh, as if he was say about something. I didnt really take it on and before we noticed we were infront our dorm building. He walked me up to my room and then went to his.
Opened the door and to say the least I could've killed that bitch right there.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!!" I shouted watching as Keisha and Chase parted from what I can see as a heated make out session.

"Quan lis-" Chase tried to talk to me but before he could finish I slapped him in is face so hard it shifted on impact. I kicked him in his belly and unto the ground. I pulled out my gun and held his throat slowly squeezing. I just prayed bruh.

"Quan what are you doing get off of him" keisha said softly looking at me.

"You need to shut the FUCK UP KEISHA!" I shouted at her.
"And you need to explain what you were doing with my best friend asshole" I  whispered  into his ears.

"Quan get off of me and I will explain"Chase said looking at me.

I grunted and got off of him."go" I said.

"Well, me and keisha have kinda liked each other for a while, so I came to talk to you to ask what you would think if me and her started dating but I didnt see you so I just asked if I could take her out to dinner, and well you know the rest haha" he sakd laughing nervously, but I was all but smiling.

"You mean to tell me you like this prick and didnt talk to me about it....why the fuck is that." I said adding a fake smile.

"I wanted to keep it to myself for a while is that a problem?" She asked me, fakingly sweet.
"Get the fuck ou this room" I said.

"W-what"she stuttered, Chase being a very awkward looking onlooker.

"I said N'keisha Steel to get out, just leave after all ive fucking shared with you, yet you have the fucking nerve to keep something like this away fom me, this is the first time youve ever really like someone after Emmanuel and his whoring ass and you leave the one who fucking helped you through every fucking thing out of this, I broke that bitch ribs for you, I dont care how small of a thing it is, i dont give a damb if you say im over reacting, but hey thanks for letting me fucking know about it yea, so now im going to say, you and this dick get the hell out of this room now." I said pointing toward the exit, shooting bullets through their fucking head with my eyes. They left, and I was glad. Shit I got an english exam bruh, urgg, let me get ready.

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