Finally Awake

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Suddenly the darkness started to fade away and Bonnie's face was the first thing I saw after I said goodbye to Stefan, she was smiling from ear to ear and began to cry a little bit. But I wasn't sure what was real. I mean I had just seen Bonnie in the woods with Enzo. Did any of that really happen? Is this just a figment of my imagination? How long have I been asleep?

"Where is he?" I asked.

I was hoping to hear that Damon and Stefan are downstairs, in the library trying to figure out how to stop somebody from doing something bad or that they're at the Mystic Grill with Matt and Caroline. I was so excited to go to the grill and see everybody again. Or maybe they were at a founders' day celebration! But instead I got a different answer.

"He's with Caroline. Saying goodbye." Bonnie said with a sad ring to her voice.

Who is she talking about. Who is he? Did she think I was talking about Damon? Or Stefan? And who was Caroline saying goodbye to? Thoughts are rushing through my head and I begin to worry. Bonnie must have noticed the worry in my face because she grabbed my hand and started to attempt to calm me down.

"Damon is okay don't worry." Bonnie said to reassure me.

Is the "he" that is with Caroline, the one she thought I was talking about, Damon? But I wasn't, although I love Damon more than words can explain, I was talking about Stefan. If Damon is okay that must mean that something happened to Stefan. All of the sudden I felt a tear roll down my cheek. My dream was real, something awful has happened to Stefan and he is dead. This isn't what was supposed to happen. I was supposed to see him again. Did him and Caroline ever get together officially? Did he start a new life somewhere else? How did it happen? Did he suffer? All of these thoughts running through my head overwhelmed me, tears continuously streaming down my face as I let out a cry. I lay in Damon's bed feeling at home but also feeling a huge pit in the bottom of my stomach. My best friend, one of the loves of my life, the person who literally saved my life, is dead.

"B-but Stefan?" I managed to stutter out through my gasps for air.

Bonnie's face suddenly dropped and that answered the question that I was afraid to ask. It is true. My dream, but it wasn't really a dream, I don't know what it was or what to call it. I don't even remember it all that well which is the worst part about it. That is when I remembered what he said.

'It's good to see you, Elena. One last time.'

Those nine words rang in my ears. But why didn't I remember everything he had said. It was all coming back to me in little pieces. I do remember that he never told me how he died. All he said was that he did what he had to do. He had a cast on his hand but why? Vampires heal right away. Unless he wasn't a vampire anymore. Did he take the cure? Did he take it out of my system? I need to know what happened while I was gone or at least to Stefan but I'm to afraid to ask and to actually come to terms with everything.

"He- he saved you." Bonnie explained the least she could.

He saved me? What is that supposed to mean? I wanted to know what happened. And if Kai said that I was under a protection spell so whatever Stefan saved me from it was all for nothing because I would've been fine! He also said that there were no loopholes to the spell and if Bonnie tried to undo it that we would both die so how am I awake? It makes no sense.

"Bonnie. How did Stefan-" I stopped talking for a moment to hold my tears back and catch my breath. "Die?"

She then explained to me everything that had happen from the moment Damon was taken into Sybil's mind control up until now. I don't know how to process all of this. But in this moment I want to see Damon. I need to see him. And that's all I am focused on doing. I got out of bed and stumbled a little bit. I guess laying down in a coffin for years does that to you.

"Take me to Damon." I told Bonnie wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Are you sure? That's probably not a good idea, Elena. You shouldn't be out and walking around you just-" I cut her off.

"Yes Bonnie I am positive. I need to see Damon. And I can't wait any longer. I don't care if I just woke up and should stay in bed and get energy. I need to be with Damon, he needs me and I need him. "

She helped me out of the Salvatore boarding house, which looked somewhat different and felt a little weird to be in knowing that Stefan once walked here and never will again, yet comforting to be back home. We got in her car and started driving to the cemetery where Damon and Caroline were holding a memorial for Stefan.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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