Part 1

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  I stood at the back of the line at the cafe contemplating what I should order for myself. I need something warm and something that I wouldn't drink in 5 minutes because after all, I did have to walk home through the woods tonight. It wasn't my favorite thing to do, especially since it was mid November in the evening. But it did give me time to think, I liked to do that. The woods were always silent and, though dark and sometimes frightening, peaceful. I was just dreading the cold weather, it was never my favorite.

Snapping me out of my thoughts, the barista called for whoever was next. I still hadn't decided on what I wanted, but a large caramel latte would have to do as that was the first thing my eyes went to on the menu.

"$11.76 will be your total ma'am," the cashier said as he waited patiently for my payment. As I reached into my pocket I noticed my wallet wasn't in there. Panicking, I searched my other pocket and, nothing. Damn you, Naya, always misplacing something. Just as I was about to apologize to the cashier, a boy came up beside me and handed the cashier his card, shooting a smile down at me.

"It's on me, Mark." He said, to which the cashier replied, "Can I get you the usual, Samuel?" and placed in another order for the boy who had so generously paid for my drink. I stood in shock as he left the cafe, a smile still on his face. I proceeded after him to thank him but he had escaped into the cold winter night. Sighing, I began my journey home through the woods.

The cold air bit at my face as I told myself to keep going, and that it wouldn't be much longer until I reached my part of town. But the cry I heard was enough to stop me right there in my tracks. I was shivering, and not from the temperature, but from the loud cries that followed. I was scared, shaking, but curious if nothing else. So I followed the sound, taking myself off of the cement path and stepping over broken sticks and crunchy leaves. And then, more cries. "Stop it, Naya. Just go home, it could be a serial killer you know. Just, stop." But I couldn't, my curiosity took control and there was no getting it back.

The cries soon became louder, indicating I was close. But just how close I was, was a shock. I turned my head, shaking even more than before. A large beast laid before my eyes, huffing and puffing like there was no tomorrow. Through the darkness I could still see it's teeth, and how angry it was looking in my direction. It turned its body to face me, each paw taking a step closer and closer. Each step it took, I took one back until I was trapped against a tree. It wasn't until it was breathing heavily in my face that I noticed I had seen those warm brown eyes before. Reaching my hand out slowly, I set my hand on the large beast's head and let myself pet it slowly and calmly. But, before I could examine it more, it was gone. I still had the feeling of it's warm dark brown fur on my hands. What was this thing?

To my knowledge, werewolves only existed in movies and books. But there it was, the spitting image of what I had known to be a fantasy. What was even more surprising though is the clothes on the ground that were scattered messily, ripped and stretched. I picked up the jacket that was beneath my feet, finally putting 2 and 2 together. I know this jacket, I know those eyes.

Looking up at the full moon I whispered to myself, "No it can't be, Samuel?"

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