Part 2

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The walk home I could think of nothing but what had just occurred in the woods. I must have been dreaming, right? That isn't possible. Werewolves don't exist. Yeah, I was dreaming. But telling myself I was crazy didn't make sleep any better, in fact I didn't sleep at all. I stayed up all night researching werewolves on my computer. Of course, nothing could be provided with facts. And that only made my frustration worse. I needed answers, but how was I supposed to get them when I only this Samuel guy once in my life. How was I supposed to find him?

2 weeks later I found myself at the cafe again, sitting in the far corner with my computer still dumbfounded by what had happened 2 weeks ago. I've barely slept thinking about this large creature. I just couldn't shake the thought of it. I had been too busy reading an article about full moons that I hadn't noticed the man sat in front of me with a smile and 2 drinks it his hands.

"Samu- Uh, Samuel, right?" I closed my laptop as fast as I could holding out my hand to take the drink he was pushing my way. "You seem too distracted to even order a drink so I got you one. Caramel latte right?" I shook my head lifting the drink to my lips and immediately regretting that decision when my tongue was on fire. I spit it out causing Samuel to laugh with hysteria yet also concern as handed me napkins and shot me the smile he did when we first met.

"Be careful, Naya. You don't wanna burn your tongue off." Naya. He knew my name. How?

"You know my name, how?" His smile never faded as he looked into my eyes and replied.

"Oh, I uh, the first time we met I heard the barista call your name for your drink." But that was a lie, he was already gone by the time they called my name for the order. Unless his hearing was out of this world, wait. No, stop it Naya. I didn't tell him I knew he was lying however, I just smiled back.

"By the way, thank you. I never got a chance to say it before you were gone. I'll repay you one of these days. I promise."

"How about you repay me by letting me walk you home?" Again, it was weird how he knew that. It was like he could sense it.

"Yeah, I think I can do that." I packed my laptop away into my bag and got up to put my coat on, which Samuel had already taken into his hands to put on for me. A gentleman, truly. And not to mention good looking. I looked into his brown eyes, and there it was, the feeling I got looking into the eyes of the werewolf. It felt all too familiar. The eyes were so kind and warm yet, so ferocious. I put my head down and let him lead me out the door as we began our journey through the woods.

"So, Naya, isn't it scary walking through these woods alone at night?" He broke the silence.

"I mean, not really. You have no idea these woods play tricks on your mind though. The things it makes you see."

He spoke up again after a moment, "You mean like you see things? Oooo, what kind of things? Vampires? Werewolves?" I stopped in my tracks. He turned around to face me, his smile dropping. This was only taking my suspicions further, could he really be? I mean, so many things add up yet it doesn't make sense at all.

I looked up into his eyes again, and there it was. That feeling. The exact one I got looking into the eyes of that beast. I reached out my hand to rest it on his cheek, feeling warmth. His smile was back again, it was then I had a sudden rush of butterflies to my stomach. He was so, ethereal and beautiful. Magnificent in a way that wasn't human.

"It was you, wasn't it?" It just slipped out of my mouth. I kept my hand on his soft cheek, pulling him closer without me knowing.

"Was what me?"

But before I could answer his question, I felt the fiery passion of his lips on mine. It was a sudden burst of energy and surprise, but I kissed back. We moved our lips in sync, never pulling away for air. Until, I felt a rusty taste in my mouth, at first it was only a little, but then I could tell my lips were gushing. I pulled back, wondering why in the hell I was bleeding. But all I could see was the boy in front of me with his fangs out, licking his lips. This time his smile wasn't warm, it was dangerous.

Naya? Naya, please raise your hand." I turned my head, looking at my professor with shock realizing everything that happened was me daydreaming. God, I have to stop doing that. But when I actually looked at my professor, I noticed the boy standing next to him. Samuel.

"Take the empty seat next to her, Samuel." No, this wasn't happening. I was not going to be seated next to some werewolf boy But I didn't have a choice, he was already next to me, smiling that all too familiar smile.

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