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Humanity is unforgiving, it's constant social pressures cause people to crack and break apart. Sometimes causing others to break in a chain reaction.

Bridgette Dubois knew that better than anyone else. Her parents separated when she was very young. And once her father died in a freak accident at a local pub, and her mother gave up all responsibility for her daughter. Bridgette was sent into the foster system.

Since then, Bridgette had learned to fend for herself because the world doesn't care. She felt the harshness of humanity starting when she was 6, feeling like a burden to her foster family.

She moved 20 times from age 6 to 18. She ran away 15 times. Some families were kind, but others treated her with shame. Training her to think of herself as nothing more than an extra mouth to feed.

Now Bridgette was 26, she had finally gotten out of her hometown of Bordeaux, France and moved to London.

She felt free, finally being her own person pursuing a career.

She was independent, not needing anyone, her own hero.

Until he stumbled in.

Hero of NoneWhere stories live. Discover now