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She's my..... World
My Sun
My Sky
My Stars and the Moon
My Reason, to carry on
My Heart
My Soul
My Love
My Life
My Everything... it revolves around her....

and I'm afraid; afraid that one day it will stop spinning
it will stop shinning
it will burn out and fade away
it won't exist
will be missing
broken with no way to be fixed... I don't deserve someone like her and one day someone's gonna see that and make her notice it too and take away the only good thing in my life... which will literally be the end of my life. it's stupid I know but I can't help but see what's inevitably going to happen. someone who can make her happier or give her more or please her better will get to have her, and I'll be happy for her and love her always but I won't be there anymore ... I'll be gone away for the rest of these times far far away where no one will be able to see me again. I'll be... I'll be dead...

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