7- Sebastian had come back to bite me in the ass

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Clary's POV

I felt as my feet connected with land and my heavy gear boots crushed the grass beneath me. I entered the Silent City and I felt that chill that always runs up my spine. As I went down a flight of stairs something inside me kept screaming for me to go back. I kept telling myself that there was no danger since I had been here many times before but... I knew that with what was going on, the Brothers might have to uhhmm deal with me.
I reached the first level and finally took out my witchlight. One of the Silent Brothers appeared in front of me and I knew I had to follow him to the Brotherhood's council.
We know why you are here Clarissa Morgenstern. We also know what is wrong with you.
I heard the many voices like an echo inside my head. I had a lump in my throat and dreaded the answer to my problem. Maybe I didn't want to know. Maybe I-
Your problem is not easily solved young Shadowhunter. Both the knowledge and power of our brotherhood and the sisterhood of the Iron Sisters will be required. You will also have to remain here until the problem is solved.
This time it was only one of the Brothers speaking but I couldn't decipher which of them it was. I felt another voice inside by head.
There is also no guarantee that the ritual will work Clarissa. If it is unsuccessful you will have to stay here. There is no other option.
"I- what is wrong with me?" I asked although I wasn't sure I truly wanted to know.
Knowledge is not always a good thing Clarissa. Another one said. Take it from the keepers of the Shadowhunter wisdom.
"I want to know. Please tell me." I felt my voice break and I was so embarrassed. It was obvious that I wasn't passing on the image that I wanted to know and, even if I had managed, the Brothers can reed my mind so what good would it do me?
Very well Clarissa. We are all aware of your extra angel blood. But in your veins Morgenstern blood runs too. When you stabbed Jonathan with the blade of heavenly fire, the demonic energy that was found in your brother fled. This demonic entity took shelter in the closest thing it could find. With that being you the demonic energy had to fight your angelic energy. If your blood wasn't so similar to your brother's the demonic would have died, alas you were the perfect host considering that the Morgenstern blood is it's prime environment. The only reason this force hasn't yet consumed you is because of the angel blood inside you.  But do not be mistaken. The demonic energy is already vanquishing the angelic and soon it will overpower you.
Those words hit me like a truck. Again Sebastian had come back to bite me in the ass. Not even when that idiot dies does he stop screwing up my life! How can the bane of my existence be Sebastian when he is gone? Dead? Burnt down to ashes and scattered around Lake Lyn?
We will begin the preparations and contact the Iron Sisters as well as the Clave. We will ask to keep this matter quiet as we want not that the people fear another evil as Jonathan is loose. All that you must fear and concern yourself with, is if the ritual will work. If it does not the only other way will be to burn you away with it.
"I- what?" I was about to bolt the hell out of there when I felt four slender hands take ahold of my arms and lead me away.
I was now sitting in the very same cell that Jace had when he was being controlled by Lilith. The only difference was that this time the cell door was locked and that they had put extra angelic metal reinforcements. Turns out it doesn't hurt me because of the fact I am extra angelic but I can't get through it because of the demonic inside me. Ironic isn't it? I am imune to it for me being angelic but am also enslaved to it from me being eaten alive by a demonic energy from the insides out!

Jace's POV

Me, Alec, Izzy and the bloodsucker were at the Silent City. We all had our witchlights out so our surroundings were pretty damn bright. A Silent Brother that I recognized as Brother Florence appeared and I asked him about Clary. He simply walked away and I was already familiar with that meaning we had to follow him. I turned around and we all exchanged looks before following behind him. We reached the incarceration level and I felt a chill up my spine as I recognized it as the section I had once been in.
"Clary? They locked you in here? What in the name of Raziel!?" Izzy was the one speaking so I followed her gaze towards a cell and saw her.
"Guess what? I am a danger to humanity and the only way to 'cleanse' me might kill me. And if it doesn't? They will have to kill me by burning me alive like a witch! Jolly good right?" Clary asked in a sarcastic tone that I had never seen her use before. She was spitting out the words as if they were poison and I saw the anger in her eyes.
"What the hell are you talking about? Would you mind filling us in from the start?" I was the one to ask this time. And when I saw Izzy move forwards Clary shot her arm out.
"No! They reinforced the cell with angelic metal. It will burn you if you touch it. Only Jace and I can but I can't get past it because of... what's wrong with me."
"So tell us what is wrong after all?" I asked again.
"Apparently when I killed Sebastian the demonic energy that was inside him took shelter inside me. With the fact that I have angelic blood it should have been killed but seeing as I also have Morgenstern blood, and it was used to it, I am the perfect host. So now the demonic is taking over the angelic and soon it will overpower me. Isn't it incredible? Even when I kill Sebastian he comes back to torment me! That son of a b-!"
"Are you serious?" Simon asked. "I can't figure out if you are serious or not."
"Oh I'm serious."
"So how do we get rid of it?" I asked fully aware of the amount of concern in my voice.
"That's the problem. It takes this really complex ritual with both the Brothers and the Sisters and it might not even work. If it works there is also the fact that it might kill me. And if it doesn't, well. Then they will kill me anyways. Burnt alive as I said before. Anyone want to trade bodies?" Clary answered.
We all just stood there. Stunned. Looking straight at her. Clueless as to what we should do.
"I thought not." She said with a calmer tone to her voice.
She leaned against the wall and slid to the ground.
"They said it would take two days to get the ritual ready and I can't get out of here. They took my stele too so I'm probably going to have nightmares the whole night." Clary had tears to her eyes now and her voice was breaking.
I walked to her and sat beside her on the other side of the cell. We intertwined our hands and just sat there for a while.
Soon she convinced us all to go home saying that seeing us all here suffering just made her feel worse about herself.

Clary's POV

I knew they would never leave me. They would all sleep in the cells beside me for the next days and I really didn't want that. Before the Silent Brothers took away my Stele I managed to draw the take away will rune on my ankle. I learned that it doesn't work in the Silent Brothers for some reason but it did work on Jace, Izzy, Simon and Alec. It's wrong I know but I just couldn't handle them there the whole time. So I used it and made them go home. The power will fade by tomorrow and they'll come back but at least I got one day of piece.
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