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Everything stung, stiff with soreness and locked joints. It felt like she was trapped in an air tight body cast. With effortful grunts, the female attempted to sit up in the tough feeling bed. That's when she realized. Everything. Was. White.

Her light grey eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room, the beaming walls temporary blinding her. Of course, that didn't help with the throbbing in the girls head. If she wasn't in a hospital bed, she would've assumed she had too much to drink the night before, but no... That wasn't the case.

The fact that she was in a hospital bed which was, did she mention, very uncomfortable; didn't bother her. Unfornately, she had been in medical rooms tons of times before from stupid decisions, getting hurt, hanging out at the wrong place at the wrong time, so she wasn't concerned with the well-being of herself.

The female finally was able to pick herself up, sliding her lower body to the pillow so she could straighten her back. A sharp zing of pressure went up her spine and she clutched the covers tightly.

"Ergh..." She groaned, biting her lip with closed eyes, "Damn..."

The pain was a subtle reminder of the night before. She physically froze, the memories flooding back into her now conscious mind with merciless intentions to haunt her.


The car calmly made its way down what seemed like the empty highway. The soft toned beady lights in the car reflected off the window, tricking me into thinking that they were just new stars in the sky. With the radio on low, its acoustic tones of the heart felt song bled through the stiff aura of the car and made everything a bit more relaxed. To me, it seemed like a perfect, isolated moment to think. That's what I did in calm and chill enviroments; wander my mind endlessly.
I leaned my weight on the car door, my eyes lazily gazing up at the dark hued midnight sky.

"Hey, James?" I cooed tenderly, my words rolling off my tongue as a thought peeked up in my vast mind.

He grunted in response and I sighed happily, turning to him with a gentle and thoughtful smile, " When do you think you'll pop the question?"

James paused as if the words threw him off his feet, and I guess, it did. That's understandable after all. The question was random and very out there for my usual, yet I had always been the one to inhale deep topics and exhale ideas.

"You want to know?" He teased, his signature smile shining through, his beautiful dark blue eyes taunting me with a vibe that spoke; 'I know something you don't know, and I will never tell you!~' Which was always so frustrating, but fun to poke around with.

I eagerly nodded, truly interested in his intentions, " Yeah, I do!"

The male gave a soft chuckle, that made my heart race. It was strange for me to be flustered by something as simple as that, but that was James. He always had that unexpected effect on me.

He nodded with a delighted glow. Confusion spread through my body like bees in a hive, frantically zooming around with loud and annoying hums that gave my muscles the tingles.

Slowly, he reached into his jacket pocket and lifted out a black velvet box, small enough to fit in his hand, but big enough to give weight.

I froze, everything around us going dull as the world zoomed in on just us. I couldn't breath. I wasn't stunned like most girls would be, I was joyous. I had waited for this moment for years. Ever since freshman year, actually.

With a shaky breath, James licked his dry lips, "Dawn... Will you marr-"

Just past him, on the other side of the intersection were two huge beaming lights that shone into the window and blinded me. Not only did that dethrone me from my heartwarming, on top of the world feeling, but then a splitting honk bursted into the hazy atmosphere and tore the moment to shreds.

As the two lights got closer, everything else got darker with dread and danger. With one loud crunch and a horrendous throw of force; it was over. My perfect moment was shattered and my future as I knew it was gone.


It seemed to come back to her in fleeting flashbacks, the tragic scene plaguing her mind and making her heart break even more. Suddenly, a wave of anxiety fell over the weakened girl, and she questioned myself in disbelief:

'Is James... dead?'

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