Chapter One

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Chapter One - I thought this might be the wizard of Oz but now it looks like we're walking into our own candy house owned by a witch

Rain poured out side of a small cafe that Blaise and Blythe found themselves in. Blythe had her face close to the glass as she rested it on the table. The young girl was tracing the rain drops on the window as she tried to pass the time.

"We're not in Kansas anymore Blaise." Blythe murmured as she glanced up at her twin who was sitting across from her.

A small smile made its way onto Blaise's face as he stopped absent mindedly stirring his tea to glance over at his sister. "That much is obvious" He replied to Blythe before he donned an offended look. "Wait, does that mean I'm todo?" Blaise questions his sister.

Giggling softly Blythe sat up with a shrug. "Maybe." She teased Blaise before taking a sip of her strawberry milkshake. "I honestly really didn't think about it. I just thought the quote fit." She explained hoping to ease Blaise's annoyance. "Though," Blythe added as she glanced down at her worn out pink converse. "It is too bad I can't just click my heels and take us home."

Blaise merely nodded his head at his sisters comment knowing it was just better to stay silent.

"What's his name anyway?" Blythe asks her brother as she swirls her milkshake in its cup as she sits up straight. "Our uncle, mom hasn't ever really talked about him before. I wonder what he's like?"

With a purse of his lips Blaise thinks it over for a moment before finally answering. "His name is Murray and I think mom has mentioned that her brother used to work as a doctor at one point." He explained with a shrug. "Not sure how accurate any of that information is though."

A sigh escapes Blythe as she takes a long slurp of her drink resting her head on her hand. "Well, do we know when he'll actually be here to pick us up?" She questions Blaise once more as she looks down at her phone.

"Nope." Blaise states as he drinks his tea not fazed by his sister's dramatic sigh as she draped herself onto the table.

Blythe merely lets out an inhuman groan as she sits back up to drink her milkshake. The town was clearly small from what Blythe could muster in her exhausted state and she wasn't quite sure how she felt about that. Granted Blythe wasn't really sure how she felt about a lot of things right now.

Looking down at his phone briefly, Blaise was not paying attention when a pair of people came running into the cafe soaked by the rain. It was only when the waitress that seemed to be the sole person working came out did Blaise look up from his phone. The boy didn't think much of it until the rain soaked pair made their way over to where the twins sat.

Blaise looked up at them in confusion as the short blonde girl moved to sit across from Blythe and the rather angry looking male sat across from himself. Blythe wasn't exactly sure what to do as he gave the strange pair a concerned look.

"So, I know this looks a little weird, but." The blonde girl began with an uneasy smile.

"what the hell Lea." The male gaped at the blonde haired girl. "You don't just lead off with shit like that." He told her with a large sigh. "Maybe something a little less creepy stalker. Try this." He tells her as he turns to face the two twins. "hello my name is Caelum and this is Lea. Your uncle Murray asked us to pick you up because we are currently trying to kill some ugly ass monsters. So let's go." He states picking up one of Blythe's bags as he stood up.

The twins had no idea how to respond to that but blythe sat up with a raised brow as Blaise spit out some of his drink.

Lea let out an exasperated sigh as she threw her hands up into the air. "like that's any better." lea smacked her lips together as she smiled towards the twins. "i'm not quite sure what you know...."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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