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Waking up is good, but waking up to darkness and pain, not good, He could tell his neck was better and his legs, were fractured, he was unable to walk but can crawl, I can't spend who knows how long on the ground, and then he thought he could walk, with some support, he crawled to a nearby tree and broke off 4 branches. Now all I need is string. He latched on to his pant leg and ripped it. Thusly ripping skin off. Nonetheless he wrapped the trees and created a splint. It's nothing special but at least I could walk. The darkness of night fall blinded him, he can only see slight silohettes of trees, and a... Four legged animal, This can be anything from a deer to a dog, to a... WOLF. He heard only snarls of the wild dog and with that, he ran, he ran as fast as he could. But was soon interrupted by the cold water of the afformentioned pond. He stayed there, treading until the wolves went away, and before they left, he passed out. A/N. A longer chapter, I hope this was a good one, nice to know he isn't dead from the chelestoral of his own blood XD

The Fall to The wildحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن