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Waddup lovelies!!

How's everyone doing.?

Anywhore!! Today's topic is...School...

I personally hate school. I hate with this burning passion. >:( I hate school.

It ruins my mood in split second. Like for real. Who needs school.? It's a waste of time. Please the teachers say they care but honest do you really think they care. They make you present stuff in front of the classroom. And if you don't they basically fail you. They don't care for the people who have social anxiety. They never notice people getting bullied.

But that's just my opinion. Others may think other things like they give to much homework or they give us to much work. But I'm just thinking of the people who suffer things and are forced to go to school even though they're scared something might happen.

It's just isn't fair. It's upsetting. They say they do care but they act like complete arseholes towards us. Some teachers are nice but the other are either lazy mean to nice or something like that.

And that's brings us to part 2 of this rant.

Types Of Teachers.

Which will be on a separate part.

Anywhore adios!!!! 


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