The awakening

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I'm so sorry for you amazing people who waited for me to finally re-write this. I wrote this chapter in one go and man let me tall ya, it was fun (and it took over 2 hours).

I can promise you that it will be so much easier to write now and OMG again, so vary vary vary vary vary sorry.

For those of you who don't know, this won't fallow the show and Jack will be a love interest (I haven't seen season 14 yet, so no spoilers, sadly, I have to wait till it's on netflix).

Please comment, it really motivates me to write :)

Again, sorry and thanks for putting up with me.


You sat in the darkness, listening, but nothing could be heard. Not even the sound of your breathing reached your ears.  You were motionless, all was still. As far as you could remember it had been this way. Not even your thoughts  wandered. Then came a hum. It was deep and low, almost hypnotic. It was distant, but there. Your eyes went wide. Sound. That's what it was. You heard sound. It grew loader, until it was pulsing in your ears. Until it became unbearable.

"Wake up."

You awoke with a gasp, air filling your lungs, chest heaving, heart beating. The ringing pounded on your eardrums, demanding to be known. You covered them in a frantic motion,  squeezing your eyes shut as if it would help. You sat like that for what seemed to be ages, but then it began to soften, dulling more and more with each passing second; until it was gone.

You opened your eyes, blinking furiously until they adjusted to the light. You looked around, finding trees everyway you looked. You sat in a clearing, in what seemed to be a forest of some kind. You looked down.

You now relized you were naked, suddenly feeling  quite vulnerable and uneasy. You didn't like this feeling. You were confused and scared. You had no idea what was going on. You tried to remember, looking deep in the crevices of your mind. But you found nothing. As if everything that was there had been ripped away and wipped clean.

When you stood your legs shook and your knees knocked together, falling foward. You sat there for a moment, gathering yourself together, then tried again. Your legs were still wobbly, but this time you didn't fall. Your legs held strong in their place and taking a step forward, you slowly made your way to the treeline.

It was as if it was coming back to you, becouse as you walked, it seemed to be getting easier. Your legs shook less, though, it would take a bit longer before they didn't shake at all, and it was like your body now knew what to do.

You felt the earth beneath your feet, feeling the soft dirt and the cool grass. You watched in wonder as birds flew above you and the trees blew in the wind, their leaves rustling, and the breeze kissing your skin. wherever you were, it was the most beautiful thing you ever seen- not that you've seen much.

A smile crept on your face as some of the unease melted away, almost forgetting all the cofusion and fear you had previously felt. Almost.

You peeked behind a tree, looking for, well, you weren't sure what exactly, but you felt you should. The sensation of the rough bark surprised you, its texture quite different the the dirt and grass. You grew distracted, rubbing your hands up and down the tree, even picking a few pieces off and putting them in your  mouth after giving them a good sniff.

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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