chapter 3

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hey it's me again. i know it seems like it's going a bit fast but it's all just part of the plot right now craig and isabeu/beu are secretly dating but trying to find a way to make it work in school i wonder if they will suceed? maybe maybe not. so keep reading if you want to find out. oh again tjis is not edited i know that i get l get a little to lazy to use the shift key and this is soon to bee edited. and right now i am updating every or every other day eventually i'll slow down the updates to maybe once a week or twice a week but for now enjoy:)

chapter three

isabeu's POV

"because if you do tell anybody i'll beat the shit out of you," craig threatened.

"and because kathryn, your girlfriend, is my bestfriend and therefore will have my back so if you say a word, and i know for a fact, that she'll break up with you." i pointed out smirking while craig wrapped his arms around my waist.

''fine!" he shouted glaring at us.

"good. then i can do this," he said pulling me close so he can kiss me.

''you guys are disgusting'' he said fake gagging at the kiss we just shared.

there was just something about him that made me want to kiss him. maybe it was the way his dark brown eyes and his black hair or the way his shirt fits just right so you can tell he has a six pack or the way his nike high tops went with his skinny jeans or his darkly tanned skin and the way he was at least a head taller than me. all of then seemed reason enough or maybe it was how i could always see a bit of his boxers that show by the way he wears his pants.i started to giggle when i relized his boxers said i love mom all over them.

"what's so funny?" he asked looking down just knowing it was about him.

"nothing." and i giggled some more.

"tell me!" and he started to tckle me.

"Alright! Alright! your boxers say i love mom on them." and i burst out laughing.

"What's so funny don't you love your mom?" he said giving me a weird look.

"My mom left two years ago, it's just me and my dad." the conversation just got very serious.

"oh sorry." craig helped me off the ground

"James! Craig! You have to leave now sorry it's a girls night." kathryn said walking james to the door kissing him goodbye.

"Bye Beu, bye Kat!" Craig shouted and walked out the door.

"Tell me all about it." kathryn demanded shoving me up the stairs to her room. i explained to her what happened in Craig's room and when james caught us and about his boxers and about how every time we touched I got this tingling sensation all over my body. Once I was finished explaining to her what happened we watched dear john and i cried, then we watched the notebook, then the vow. after our romance movie marathon we painted our nails and went to bed once they were dry.

When i got to school jason flug was at his locker trying to open his lock and i almost walked away when i saw Craig at my locker, I didn't see him on the bus so he probobly got a drive. I took a deep breath as i walked up to him.

"hey," he said casually.

"hey," I answer as if there was nothing between us and he cringed.

"you should hang with me, Lexi, Carley, and Natasha at break."

"cool i'll meet you at your locker, see ya." i said as he walked away.

"See ya!" he replied winking from across the hall.

"jason, what do we have?" i asked opening my lock.

"we have your mother, then your father, then your mother and your father." he teased

"screw off," i said. he really knew how to piss a girl off.

"I'll screw you." he said smugly.

"Not in this life time now go away." we had triple english. i grabbed my books and walked to class.

once i walked into homeroom my phone vibrated in my back poket, i pulled it out to see who it was from, it was from Craig. i rolled my eyes and read the text. 'hey nice outfit i want some of that;p can't wait 4 the movies 2nite;)' i looked over at him and he was looking at me wiggling his eye brows. man this whole secret thing was getting a little too obvious so i texted back 'don't make it obvious' and he answered saying 'srry i can't help myself ilysm' he was to sweet 'ilyt but just try and take it down a notch.'. and i sat down at my desk.

in english we watched a movie called 'life above all' it was about an aids epidemic in africa somwhere and we had to write a two page summary about it. all that hapened was this girls mom got aids and died the end but i guess it was pretty good. It was pretty sad to.

when i turned the corner i saw Jenna and Molly whispering about somthing and went up to them to tell them about my plans with the populars.

"yeah i know she's being such a bitch latley, like she dosn't even talk to us that much any more. watch her ditch us for the populars." i over heard Molly saying to Jenna.

"hey guys is it okay if i don't hang with you at break?" i asked and they gave each other knowing looks.

"sure" they said together and walked away.

i put my books in my locker and headed towards Craigs locker. he was talking to lexi.

"What the hell are you doing here, you freak?!"

I love him that muchWhere stories live. Discover now