The Sister

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Harry: who was that

Emerald:oh my sister said she had some hostages in here haha you guys are going to stay here forever hahahaha


Emerald:Jade is right you suck Hermione oh and that boy with the pal hair you must be Draco hey luna😃 oh and crybaby Ron how have you been

Ron:oh go.....

Emerald:I don't care oh hey Ginny and  Neville😃 anyways have you guys seen Jade


Emerald:ok bye*shuts door*

Fred:*goes to door*IT'S UNLOCKED😃


Jade:hey guys*noticed that nobody is here starts to float with no wand or broom screams and every mirror and window brakes at the sound of my voice*

Harry:did you guys hear that

Jade:did you think you get away that easy👿👿👿*still floating with nothing*I am more powerful then anyone even my father lord voldermort I am not stupid like my father I will kill you all with one spell now when we get back to my place you all shall be punished and I doubt any of you will ever do it again next time I will crucio all of you for a day and then kill you off one at a time do you want that to happen

Everyone:n-n-no m-m-ma'ma w-w-we w-w-won't d-d-do i-i-it a-a-agian

Jade: good if you do I will kill you one at a time

Harry Potter Truth Or DareNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ