NamJin-Ice Cream

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I ship it!!!!


"Where are you?"
"I'm in the living room!"

I run over to see my boyfriend laying on the couch watching Mickey Mouse. "Why are you watching this?" I ask him. He turns his head and smiles. "Because I want to." I roll my eyes and walk over to him. "So, you hungry?" Jin nods his head and looks up again. "Why?" He asks. "I'm gonna make some dinner and I wanted to know what you wanted." He sits up and thinks. "Hmm, I want some rice and meat. Suprise me with the meat." I nod my head and walk over to the kitchen to search the cabinets.

---Time skipppuuu---

I bring the plates to the table and call Jin. "Jinnie! Dinner is ready!Come eat!" All of a sudden I hear elephants run to the kitchen. Jin slips on a towel and falls on his butt with a loud thud. "OWE!JOONIE!" Jin whines while rubbing his butt. I chuckle and run over to pick him bridal style, careful to not touch his butt. As his butt hits the seat he lets out a quiet hiss. "I'm sorry baby boy but it is gonna hurt for a while." He grunts and starts eating slowly. "The quicker you finish, the quicker we can have dessert." I say trying to get him to eat faster. His eyes widen as he starts stuffing his mouth full of food. "Not so quickly! You will get hiccups!" He slows down a bit but still shovels it into his mouth at a quick pace.

--- Hey, I like to skip, on that dick😏 Jk that made no sense😂  ---

I turn on the sink and grab some dish soap to wash the dishes. I feel two small arms wrap around my waist as I wash my dish. "I want dessert now Joon" I chuckle and turn off the sink water. Then I turn and pick up Jin as he wraps his legs around my waist. "Lets see what we have shall we?" He nods his head and I walk over to the fridge and look through the freezer. "Ice cream!" Jin yells reaching for it with grabby hands. I grab it and bring it over to the living room with two spoons. Jin jumps off my body and sits on the couch, opening up the ice cream bucket. We both grab a spoon and start eating. I decide to bother him a bit. "Hey Jinnie, look over there!" He turns his head quickly giving me a chance to wipe some ice cream on his nose and cheek. "Eww! Why!" He playfully glares at me and smacks my shoulder. I giggle and lick it off his face smirking after. "You taste good" (A/N 😂) Jin giggles and wipes his face . I peck his lips and continue eating the ice cream.


This was really cute I hope I have this in the future *wipes tear*
Anyways, hope you liked this one-shot
See you in the next on my rose petals🌹❤!
💾510 words

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