Little Blue Police Box

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"Did you hear that?"

"No, hear what?" I ask, not even glancing over to whom it was that had spoken.

"That laughter-" The voice of my younger brother comes in a tense whisper before his sentence cuts off.

The two of us sat tense and quiet at the desk in my room. My laptop sat in front of us and a headphone splitter was stuck into the jack, letting both of us listen uto the audio coming from it , each with our own pair of headphones. The surrounding area was in almost total darkness, the only light source being the dim glow emanating from the computer screen, creating a somewhat eerie atmosphere.

"Quick get the lights!" He shouts a bit too loudly near my ear, probably thanks to the piece of curved plastic and foam resting over his own ears.

After pulling away my hands from my ears I move the mouse to click on the button for the light on my right, holding for a second then repeating with the left. Only this time instead of an empty doorway we're met with the stark red gaze of Bonnie, a nightmarish purple bunny animatronic reminiscent of 90s era Chuck E Cheese stage show robots, on the screen.

"Shit!" I gasp, slamming the left door down with little time to spare.

"That was close," My brother sighs. "Tell me again why we decided to play at night? With the lights off?" He sends a slight glare my way as he says this.

"For the atmosphere?" I shrug, checking the cameras again.

My breath catches as I'm left staring at the sight on the screen for a second. "How long has it been since we last checked pirate cove?" I ask, monotone.

"We just checked it a minute ago didn't we?" He asks, looking back to the screen. In the darkness the starry curtains of Pirate's Cove stand nearly all the way open, and Foxy, in a terrible state of disrepair peaks out from behind them.

"Well apparently the answer to that is really 'too long'..."

"We're so boned,"

"You give up way too easily freckles," I counter as I lower the monitor screen and slam down the left door, pulling up the monitor screen. I see I'd closed the door just in time as the cameras show Foxy sprinting down the west hall toward the security room where our character sat.

"See, what'd I tell ya? I'm the master of Five Nights," I laugh.

"Yeah yeah, whatever Markiplier," He mumbles sarcasm dripping from every word, looking just a bit more relaxed. "Just don't forget about everyone else,"

"You really think I'm that much of a noob?" I ask in mock offense just as Foxy starts knocking on the heavy metal door that is our momentary salvation. I open the door on the second knock to keep Foxy from draining any more of our remaining power with his pounding, I however do not expect to find the fox still standing in the doorway, staring in at us with bright amber eyes.

"What the fuck?" I mutter aloud in shock, too surprised to be scared for our poor little security guard Mike.

"Bree... why is Foxy still standing there...? He's supposed to go away if you open the doors while he's still knocking... Isn't he?"

"I don't know... This has never happened before." I reply, becoming a bit creeped out myself. I try closing the door again but the buttons give no response. For now he's just standing there... theres still no death screen either... "Maybe it's a glitch? He must just be back at the cove but this is just an after image of him here...?" I reason.

"Yeah... alright... What about the band then?"

"Oh shit, you're right," I do my best to ignore the fox that appears to be staring straight into my soul with empty eyes and pull up the monitor again. Though... now I'm even more spooked than before... as the entire band, Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie appear to be standing back on the stage again, reset to how they'd been at the very beginning of night four.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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