Moving In

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Knock knock knock...

No response...

"Hello?" You heard a shuffling noise come from inside the apartment. As you lifted your hand to knock again, a tall man opened the door. He had brown hair and kind, radiant blue eyes that put you at ease. "Oh, um, are you Shaun?" You were embarrassed by your stuttering, but you were hopeful that he didn't notice.

"Yes, I am doctor Shaun Murphy, I am a surgical resident at St. Bonaventure Hospital" He said as his eyes scanned you up and down.

"Hi, Shaun, I'm Y/N, Dr. Glassman said that I could stay here with you. I'm becoming a resident at St. Bonaventure as well!"

"Okay, then,you can come in." His lips formed a slight smile as he welcomed you into his apartment.

The apartment was fairly empty, with nothing but a mattress and a dresser with picture frames on top. You walked over to the pictures and saw one of Shaun and someone else, he looked happy.

"Y/N" Shaun called. "Here is your room".

"Thank you, Shaun." You said as you walked into your room. There was one window on the far wall. Other than that, the only other thing in the room was a bed that Dr. Glassman got for you. You opened up your phone and checked your messages from Glassman.

Y/N, have you made it here yet

How is Shaun


Sorry for responding so late! I made it here just fine thanks for letting me stay here

no problem, is shaun fine

he's really nice

we haven't talked much though

make sure you get to know him, you'll be seeing him a lot lol

okay, goodnight!

You turned your phone off and left your room to follow Glassman's advice. "Hey, Shaun, do you want something to eat? I can go get you something?" You said as you pushed your hair behind your ear.


"Huh?" Did he say apples? Out of anything in the world, he chooses an apple? Well, his choice is his choice. You thought it was kind of cute, to say the least.

"Could you get me an apple, green, please?"

You let out a small giggle and responded, "Oh, yeah, of course!". You couldn't stop smiling, there was something about him. "Well, I'll be right back."

"Okay" He responded as his eyes lit up.

On the walk to the store, so many thoughts flooded your mind. Thoughts about Shaun, this new city, and your new job. Your surroundings were so different now, and you weren't sure what to think. There were so many people walking and tons of cars driving on the streets, it was much different from the small town you grew up in. You arrived at a tiny little corner store that was not too far from the apartment.


A new text from Glassman

Hows it going?


i asked him if he wanted something to eat, and he asked for apples lol

they're his favorite

i can tell lol

Come to my office tomorrow, so i can get you introduced to everyone

Okay ttyl

There wasn't a very large selection of apples. Only the typical red and green. But, you wanted this to be perfect. After all, Shaun was your roommate, so you need to make a good impression. You carefully looked for a few nice apples for him, making sure that they were decently sized and weren't bruised.

There wasn't a line to buy the apple, so you were able to pay and leave fairly quickly. As you walked down the street you smiled. You were happy that you got to meet Shaun, and even happier that you were living with him. It was odd, you usually weren't the type to be so excited over a single person.

You decided to go and buy a pizza for the two of you. Apples definitely weren't good enough to eat for dinner. Cheese, of course, since you didn't know what kind of pizza was his favorite. The walk home wasn't very long, but you heard your stomach growl and picked up the pace.

You opened the door and saw Shaun sitting at a small table in the kitchen of the apartment.

"Hello, (Y/N)."

"Hey, Shaun! I got your apples, and a pizza, in case you were hungry."

You walked up to the table and set down the pizza and apples. Shaun's face lit up and you could see his dimples forming from a small smile. "Thank you" he grabbed an apple and a slice of pizza. Unknowingly, you glanced up at Shaun and your eyes lingered for a while. He looked up at you and you quickly glanced away as you began to blush.

"I-I'm going to head to bed now, goodnight!" you said hurriedly.

"Okay, goodnight Y/N!"

You got into your room and stuffed your head into your pillow. Maybe tomorrow things would be less awkward for you.


Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I've never really written before, so it's definitely not the best, but I really wanted to write something about my favorite show, and more importantly, Shaun! If you'd like, I'd appreciate any tips on how to improve my writing so that I could make it better for you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2017 ⏰

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