chapter one

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I snatch the gun out of his hand and raise it to his head.
“Boom yo ass is dead,” i grin.
The gun slides out of my hands and gets twisted into a lock causing a sudden urge of pain spreading up my arm. I growl.
“Safety wasn’t on,” he smirks the gun making a clicking noise.
“Dead,” he continues.
I take a deep breath. I can do this. Im smarter then him, he even admitted it. I have better tactics then him. I take a deeper breath this time, clenching onto his thumb. I pull it back just enough so he would feel the pain. He grunts and loosens the grasp of my hands while i spin out kicking him in the stomach. He stumbles slightly but balances himself back up. I quickly roll under his legs kicking him in the balls. He groans loudly falling to the ground.
“Celena!!! We agreed no dick kicking,” he groans holing his balls.
“tough in up TJ. Your just making excuses now because i won,” i smile. Suddenly i feel a tight grip on my hand and im flipped to the ground. I look over at TJ to see him smirking. Ugh im going to beat his ass. I jump back up on my feet grumbling loudly. He laughs. He won’t be laughing soon. I climb on his back wrapping my legs around his neck violently. He pats my leg telling me to stop. Told him he wouldn’t be smiling. I smirk and jump off giggling.
“Celenea!! You could of did something wrong!!” he shouts angrily.
“Come on i Wasn’t even trying and i know what im doing with that move now. I’ve had plenty of practice.” I grin.
I go to knee him in the balls but he snatches my leg pushing me to the ground, but instead of falling he catches me.
“You try it again ill slap your boob, goy it?” he chuckles.
I smack him in the jaw causing him to bite his tongue.
“oh oops,” i smirk.
“ugh celenea stop with your witchy moves,” he moans.
“Shush and hurry up and shower.”
He grabs my hands pulling me closer to him. I look at his chest.
“your all sweaty,” i say placing a hand on his chest.
He grabs my waist with two hands and lifts me up. Ugh i always love when he does this, it makes me feel so safe. I smile and lean my head into in shoulder.
“Thought i was too sweaty for you huh?” he smirks.
“I dont mind a bit of sweat,” i laugh.
“Just as long as its only mine,” he says carrying me to the kitchen.
I smile and stare into his dark brown eyes as he places me onto the bench. His slick black hair showed his cheekbones. He has a strong jaw and a straight nose.
“What?” TJ asks catching me staring at him.
I quickly look away embarrassed.
He grabs my hand gently helping me off the bench. We both walk up a set of fluffy grey steps. It feels soft and warm against my feet.
“Do you know where any shampoo is?” he asks.
I walk to the bathroom and he follows. The bathroom is mainly white except for the little cupboard that holds the shampoo and conditioner. It has a variety of shades of brown and a small sticker on it thats black and white. I grab some shampoo and soap while turning on the bath. I plop the soap and shampoo into the rushing water.
“thats shampoo for your hair and Soap to wash your body. I’ll grab you some towels,” i say beginning to walk out.
He grabs my wrist gently and looks into my eyes.
“thanks. I should  know where all this stuff is but i dont haha,” he chuckles.
I give him a small smile and pass him two towels.
“ill leave you be now TJ,” i say closing the bathroom door.
I take a breath and enter a small room im almost throw back by the overwhelming wall of stench. It smells like old gym socks and pungent odor of rotting food. Ugh gross. I walk into the spare room i sleep in and dump myself on the bed. I remember the first time i met TJ, he saved my life whether i like to admit it or not. I was living on the streets back then. I had no family to stay with. I had nothing to fight for anymore, i was just starving and rotting on the good old streets. I had been sitting on the floor staring into the distance until a big group of buff men came up to me. I knew they were in a gang so i tried not to get into too much shit but i did. They all surrounded me except the biggest guy. I dropped them all to the ground before they could take any of my clothes off. I wasn’t going to let some horny fuck rape me. But don’t get me wrong my heart was fucking pounding that whole time. Me and the guy that was 50 times bigger then me had made eye contact. He didnt seem impressed, he seemed like he was going to explode at me. He put a knife to my throat and shoved his hands down my pants trying to pull them off. But here TJ comes to the damn rescue. I couldn’t believe my eyes. He just came at him with a focused single minded look that showed he had no intention of stopping until the guy was dead. TJ was pushed to the ground and was beaten in the face by the mans foot. I threw something at the big guys head and he Scuttered  towards me and thats when i saw the fight was still in him. He managed to get hold of his foot intending of turning him into a pulp, unsettling his attacker’s balance, sending him crashing on his back. He then leaped to his feet, face bloodied and beginning to swell in places , and launched himself on his enemy, pounding his face with a crippling blow.
“Uh Celena, you okay there?”
I look to see TJ standing there wrapped in a towel half naked. I look into his dark brown eyes then down to his light brown chest. He smiles and lifts my chin up.
“What you looking at huh? These?” he says pointing to his chest.His abs stand out like anything.
“No..” i say looking away.
He smiles and pulls me into a tight hug. I place my head on his chest as he wraps his around around me tighter.
“your so warm,” i say snuggling up to him more.
He kisses my forehead and grabs my hand.
“i filled the bath up for you,” he smiles.
“Thanks,” i smile back.
I walk in the bathroom and jump in the bath. Hmm so relaxing. I close my eyes for a little while until i realise im almost falling asleep. Shit how long have i been in here? I look at my phone, 7.45pm. Ugh almost an hour. I sit up and grab the green shampoo bottle and squeeze some in in my small pale hands and spread it around in my hair. My stomach begins to ache. Somethings wrong, and i know it because I’ve never felt this before. It isn’t one of those light aches. Its like someone’s driving a knife through the left side of my stomach.
“TJ!!!” i yell trying to sound like im not in pain.
“Yeah Celena?” i hear him saying running up to the door.
“um can i borrow one of your shirts?” i ask.
“of course, ill pass you one through the door,” i open the door slightly with a blue towel wrapped around my skinny body.
“thank TJ,” i say as i grab his shirt.
“Its chill.”I shut the door carefully and hold my stomach. Ugh it hurts so much. My vision is a bit blurr and my body feels so weak. I slide the shirt over my head and put some panties on. The shirt goes down to my knees and its plain white and my panties are black and has a stripe of blue along it. I feel my body about  to fall and grab hold of the towel rack.
“TJ,” i say just loud enough so he could hear me. He burst in the door and helps me up.
“Celena what wrong?” he says worried.
“I-I don’t know, it really hurts and i feel weak,” i say pointing at my stomach.
He places a hand on my stomach and pulls me into his chest.
“i haven’t seen you eating lately. When was the last time you ate?” he says.
“Um about 5 days, i think this is the 6th day..” i whisper.
He grabs my face and looks i to my eyes.
“Celena you have to eat, why haven’t you been eating,” he says his voice beginning to tremble.
“Because TJ.. i just.. i dont really know to be honest, i just haven’t had the appetite to eat,” i frown.
He picks me up and walks towards my room.
“Well if you aren’t going to eat there is no more training, i can’t have you not eating, it isn’t healthy.”I place a hand on his chest.
“We have to train TJ please.” I plead.
He looks into my eyes and runs a hand through my thick black curly hair.
“Then when you wake up you have to eat, okay?” he says shooken up.
I nod and he places me in my bed tucking me in. He kisses my forhead.
“good night Celena,” he smiles.
I hold my arms out.
“Hug first please,” i smile cheekily.
He smiles back and leans down wrapping his arms around me. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.
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