My family

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This is my boyfriendddddddd honey_pot104 aka Deshawn love you baby

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This is my boyfriendddddddd honey_pot104 aka Deshawn love you baby

My sis cake-melanie-dun she is my baby sis so back off her and don't hurt her

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My sis cake-melanie-dun she is my baby sis so back off her and don't hurt her

My sis cake-melanie-dun she is my baby sis so back off her and don't hurt her

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Papi_Lucas he means everything to me and of he wasn't in my life...I would die he makes me happy when I am sad he gives me ice cream when I need it

KALIHI808 Well what can I say about my Sexy Qty heheGod he is amazing this guy has been through fire and ice with me

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KALIHI808 Well what can I say about my Sexy Qty hehe
God he is amazing this guy has been through fire and ice with me. He has watched me fail and helped me improve, making me into a better person if he left I would die.

MadzBearDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora