- author's note -

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you have come to the end of "story".

i hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it.

i'm actually very proud of myself for making this story a gender-neutral one since not all of my readers may be females.

since most of my stories have a female point of view, i decided that i should have at least one or a few gender-neutral ones.

i know it seemed like it was jimin's point of view in the beginning so i'm sorry if it was a little confusing.

this isn't related to the story but i changed my username from "jiminshopeu" to "smolyeondan".

go ahead and vote and comment on my chapters if you want to.

i'm also going to take this opportunity to talk about bullying and depression.

if you are getting bullied or know anyone that is getting bullied, please don't stay quiet.

and if you are a bully, please stop.

words can hurt a lot more than you think.

hurting someone's feelings doesn't make you a better person.

showing kindess is free and doesn't hurt anyone.

if you have depression, i know that it's difficult and some people don't understand.

but please stay strong, life will get better.

please don't ever consider suicide.

if you ever think that nobody cares, just think about me because i love you.

i care about you and you mean something to me.

if you ever need someone to talk to, you can always message me even though i'm not sure if i'll be able to help much.

please have a wonderful day and love yourself.

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