Chapter 10: Cat's Out of the Bag

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Seth did the only thing he could manage through his shock. He ran. He didn't stop until his lungs burned and he found himself heaving, hands on his knees.

He had hurt his brother. Maybe badly, but what could he have done? He wasn't Seth; he was off Grid.

Off Grid couldn't help him. Off Grid couldn't take Seven to a hospital, or cry for Safeguard to help the fallen hero.

Not unless he wanted his identity blown.

No, Seven would have to be fine without him. His partner would get back up soon. Off Grid hadn't rendered them both unconscious, at least. Safeguard would get Seven to safety for sure.



Seth wasn't sure how everything had gotten so fucked up so quickly.

His thoughts were running so fast, he was sure he'd get whiplash.

He clutched his head and screamed, long and loud into the night. A sound of frustration, anger, sadness, and fear.

He was still outside. The few that still roamed the streets so late were staring. Phones were rising to capture his moment of hysteria.

The surge of electricity that he released put an end to any hopes of capturing the event on camera, and sent the small crowd scrambling faster than it had gathered.

He had to get out. Out of the streets. Out of the costume that clung to his sweat slicked skin like it really was part of him.

Seth beat his brother home that night. His shaking hands struggled more than he'd like to admit to lock the door behind him.

Seven had left his light on, his door locked, and his music playing. And maybe Seth would have fallen for the trick.

If he didn't know the truth.

He had to get a grip. To calm down. He knew that. He really did. But how could he, with his entire world crumbling around him?

Because that's what he realized his brother was. His world. He was the only one that he had.

And he was going to hate him.

Seth stumbled his way into the bathroom and turned the faucet as far as it would go, splashing himself with the cold water.

He hoped, distantly, that maybe it would wake him up. That maybe he had just fallen asleep. Seven was still just Seven. He wasn't Resonance. He couldn't be, because Seth knew him better than that.

He thought that he knew him better than that.

Slowly, he turned the faucet back off, but he didn't straighten up. He stayed bent over the sink, gasping for breath, and watched the water drip down from his face.

He wasn't having a nightmare, but that didn't mean that he wasn't living one.

Seven was Resonance.

When he finally looked up and met his own eyes in the mirror, he wasn't sure who he saw.

And when he heard the quiet click of the front door signalling his brother's arrival, he wasn't sure if it was Seth's fear or Off Grid's that came pounding through his chest.


Seth covered one of his coworker's shifts the next morning. Not because he wanted to or needed the money, but because it was a weekend and Seven would be home.

His younger brother was good at hiding it but, now that he knew what to look for, it was easy.  Seven's slowed movements. The wince when he had sat down in the armchair in their living room.

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