Jackakynn's Life Current

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This chapter is going to actually be a story, on Jackalynn at the age of fourteen going to highschool and blah blah, but it will be interesting more interesting than just going there :) Hope you enjoy it! Bye!!!!!!

(Your POV)

Jackalynn just turned fourteen about three days ago, she got a note that third day saying. "I heard that there is a girl living here that just turned fourteen and I thought that maybe you would like to go to wolf high, if so contact me at 317-352-9174 if you are interested and I can give you the details."

"Hm, what do they know about me? I hate socializing, but I guess I'll go or at least call the number... *sigh* this should be interesting...." Jackalynn called the number and a guy answered.

(Time skip about thirty minutes)

"Phew I have to go to school this Monday.... And today's Saturday, grr.. Screw this I should probably buy some supplies." Jackalynn then teleported to a store. "Hmm, pencils, paper, ect." I walked to the cashier to get my stuff payed for then she asked. "Did you find everything fairly easily?" I didn't reply. "How's your day?" I still didn't say anything just kept my face hidden in my coat/jacket. "Are you Ok Miss?" I shook my head, she finished scanning so I payed, grabbed my bags and left. "I didn't answer what made her think I would answer the next?! Well screw her." I said while walking out the store once I was out I looked around and saw no one so I teleported back home, I put my stuff down on my bed and changed to my ordinary clothing, I took out the stuff in the bags and got it ready for Monday unfortunately Monday was two days away... I looked at the clock then noticed its 12:00 am already. "An hour or two already passed? Wow." I changed into my pajamas which was a black camy, some black shorts, and nothing on my feet, I then went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, after I went back to my bedroom (btw bathroom connected to bedroom) plugged my phone in the charger and set it down I then got in bed and covered myself up with the sheets and covers, then fell asleep in about five minutes.

(In the morning)

I woke up got out of bed unplugged my phone and looked at the time. "12:46 pm ug! Well I guess I'll get up..." I said normally. I got up went to the bathroom brushed my teeth, then changed into my ordinary clothing I went down stairs and got out a bowl milks and some cereal, while I was eating I got on Facebook and looked for something interesting to read unfortunately there was nothing to read... I finished eating cleaned my bowl out and put it in the dishwasher, I went to get my coat/jacket put it on and walked outside people were talking very quiet it was strange they were also looking at me weird it was kind of creepy, I changed my eyes to dragon eyes they looked like cats eyes and they were gold and white my eye site was way better after I could they're lips they were saying, "She looks weird.." "I don't like the way she looks at us." "I heard she was a monster!" There was no good comments about me, I turned my eyes back to normal than walked about two miles then went home.

(Back home)

I got home took of my coat/jacket then took out my phone to look at the clock it said 4:42 pm. "I guess I'll get a snack." I got a snack it was a granola bar I also got some milk, once I finished I turned on the TV and watched (your favorite show/movie) about three hours later I finished, I went upstairs grabbed my pajamas, some amber laced panties, and a brush I went to the bathroom started the shower and started taking off my cloths.

(After the shower)

About an hour and a half later I got out and it was about 10:03 pm I got some water real fast in m bathroom then went to my bedroom plugged my phone in got in bed went to sleep, I had school tomorrow I fell asleep about 45 minutes and hour later.

The end of this chapter! Next chapter will be about her in school hope you enjoyed!!!!

Jackalynn Alyssa [SLOW UPDATES]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt