A Dream Come True (Neymar)

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Lindsey POV

It took a few minuets for it to sync in I couldn't believe what I was witnessing it was a match it was Barcelona and Real Madrid I couldn't believe it the Neymar had scored he wining goal the crowd went wild .

After the game

I stayed a little bit after the game just waiting for my excitement too cool down I was too happy . I finally decided to head back too my house I looked in my bag for my phone I wasn't watching where i was going suddenly I bumped into someone and I dropped my bag.

"Merda" I mumbled as I looked up my heart stopped beating my palms became sweaty only to find that it was the Neymar Jr right infront of my eyes .

"Oh snap my bad " his calm but deep voice cooed as he helped me pick up my things my hands were still shaking , Neymar looked at my state and chuckled .

I smiled revealing my dimples "it's fine" I managed to get out .

" A pretty girl with a pretty smile"i tried to contain myself and not just fangirl right infront of him so instead I said "obrigada,oh snap no I mean tha.." I was cut off by Neymar saying "I know it means thank you" we both chucked together .

"Look thanks but I must go now " I started to walk away "Wait do you want a ride" "no please I can't do that you are a busy footballer u wouldn't want to trouble you " I said trying not to sound like I was rejecting him ."please it's my pleasure " I fiddled with my hands "ok sure" we both got into his white Benz .

"So what brought you to the stadium today " Neymar asked "umm I went to go see my favourite team play "

Neymar POV

"What's your name"

"Lindsey"she replied quietly

"So what brought you to the stadium today " i asked "umm I went to go see my favourite team play... "

Please let it be Barcelona I thought in my head

"Barcelona " she added on "Good choice" I chuckeled

She took out her phone and checked the time .

"So where do you live because I don't know " I said in a joke type of way ."ohh sorry my bad umm I live on Portuguese street ,109 "

After the ride

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